ACCESS-NRI / access-nri-intake-catalog

Tools and configuration info used to manage ACCESS-NRI's intake catalogue
Apache License 2.0
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Ideas for "first-time user" pointers #76

Closed svenbuder closed 1 year ago

svenbuder commented 1 year ago

Because I have not worked on Gadi before, I was the perfect "new PhD student" test-case and had to take some additional steps to make things work.

We can possibly add them to a "If you have not setup conda on Gadi before, this might be helpful" - Section:

1) Adjust your default project upon login (if you are part of more than 1 project) $ vi $HOME/.config/gadi-login.conf (I had to change mine to tm70, because I accidentally installed into the wrong project directory)

2) If you have not used conda before, initialise your conda $ conda init bash

3) Adjust the commands that are run for conda upon login (note: they will disable automatic environment activations, so that you can activate one of your choice) $ vi ~/.condarc

auto_activate_base: false envs_dirs:

  • /scratch/$PROJECT/$USER/conda/envs
  • /g/data/hh5/public/apps/miniconda3/envs pkgs_dirs:
  • /scratch/$PROJECT/$USER/conda/pkgs conda-build: root-dir: /scratch/$PROJECT/$USER/conda/bld <<<

Once I had done that, I could run your commands without error $ module use /g/data/hh5/public/modules $ module load conda/analysis3 $ conda deactivate $ conda create -n access-nri-catalog -y -c conda-forge -c accessnri jupyterlab dask-labextension matplotlib access-nri-intake

svenbuder commented 1 year ago

For the ARE setup, I would add a first warning that you have to load the storage for the catalogs you may want to read in. So maybe just add a one liner: To run through the default tutorial (incl. the loading of "ocean_scalar.*" files from project ik11), you would need access to storage "gdata/tm70+gdata/hh5/+gdata/ik11"

And maybe just add link to "Get started with JupyterLab on NCI":

dougiesquire commented 1 year ago

Thanks @svenbuder. I'm incorporated this feedback into an overhaul of the docs (#81) that will be merged soon, so I'm closing this issue. Please feel free to add anything else that comes to mind.