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Improve efficiency of climate means with Gregorian calendar #310

Closed penguian closed 7 years ago

penguian commented 7 years ago

resolution_fixed | by

Issue migrated from trac:310 at 2024-01-31 18:28:17 +1100

penguian commented 7 years ago changed status from assigned to accepted

penguian commented 7 years ago set owner to mrd599

penguian commented 7 years ago commented

Back with vn7.3 using the UM climate means with the Gregorian calendar required saving a daily dump file. This was an unacceptable overhead so I modified the code to calculate monthly means outside the normal climate mean code. This worked for CMIP5 but didn't have the full capabilities of the UM code (e.g. more recent UM AMIP jobs calculate monthly means of fields sampled at 0000, 0300 0600 etc to get a mean diurnal cycle which my code couldn't do).

UM vn9.2 introduced the ability to calculate climate means and only save a dump at the end of the month. However the model still writes a partial sum file every day. This isn't as large as a dump file but still requires gathering every field that's being averaged to one processor for writing. Worse, this code is outside the normal STASH system so the IO server can't help.

The overhead of this can be over 10%. Timer statistics from a month of u-aj458-gregorian, GA7.1 AMIP run on 256 cores

Maximum Elapsed Wallclock Time:      3961.69
ROUTINE              CALLS      TOT CPU        AVERAGE       TOT WALL      AVERAGE 
1 U_MODEL_4A              1       3942.91       3942.91       3960.33       3960.33
2 Atm_Step_4A (AS)     2160       3340.90          1.55       3350.36          1.55
3 AS Atmos_Phys1 (AP1) 2160       1413.25          0.65       1413.39          0.65
4 UKCA_MAIN1           2160        585.67          0.27        593.72          0.27
5 AP1 Radiation (AP1R) 2160        521.65          0.24        521.70          0.24
6 MEANCTL                30        495.03         16.50        499.85         16.66

These partial sum files are probably unnecessary but getting rid of them completely isn't simple. However with a minimal code change each processor can write its own local version of these and so skip the gather. This removes almost all the overhead.

Maximum Elapsed Wallclock Time:      3539.27
ROUTINE              CALLS      TOT CPU        AVERAGE       TOT WALL      AVERAGE  SPEED-UP
1 U_MODEL_4A              1       3516.50       3516.50       3536.87       3536.87      0.99
2 Atm_Step_4A (AS)     2160       3351.15          1.55       3361.98          1.56      1.00
3 AS Atmos_Phys1 (AP1) 2160       1417.10          0.66       1416.00          0.66      1.00
4 UKCA_MAIN1           2160        588.69          0.27        600.75          0.28      0.98
5 AP1 Radiation (AP1R) 2160        521.46          0.24        521.27          0.24      1.00
6 UKCA AEROSOL MODEL    720        474.48          0.66        474.25          0.66      1.00
32 MEANCTL               30          6.29          0.21          8.36          0.28      0.75

The monthly mean file is identical to the standard run.

In one month coupled model runs (UM using 384 cores) the benefit was even larger (though perhaps some of this is run to run timing variability) Standard Elapsed Wallclock Time: 3137.99
New Elapsed Wallclock Time: 2513.36

I also tried writing the files to /jobfs rather than /short but this is actually slightly slower for some reason.

Code branch is branches/dev/martindix/vn10.6_gregorian_climate_means. Trac view of changes

meanctl.F90 has

LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: local_acumps # .true., use_jobfs .false.

These could be made into namelist variables if necessary.

The only suite change strictly required is to add branches/dev/martindix/vn10.6_gregorian_climate_means@38760 to the um_sources list in app/fcm_make_um/rose-app.conf. However it's probably worth changing the location of the partial sum files, just so History_Data doesn't have several hundred temporary files. In app/um/rose-app.conf set


so that the files are created in the work directory.

penguian commented 7 years ago changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 7 years ago changed status from accepted to closed

penguian commented 7 years ago set resolution to fixed

penguian commented 7 years ago commented

Changed format of processor local files to use 4 digits for the processor number after Roger had a crash using 1064 cores.

Suites should use branches/dev/martindix/vn10.6_gregorian_climate_means@[42947]