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IPM log file naming #319

Closed penguian closed 6 years ago

penguian commented 7 years ago

resolution_fixed | by rb4844

I have changed suite.rc to turn on IPM profiling successfully:

[[NCI]] pre-script = """

module rm openmpi

       # changed openmpi/1.8.5 rwb 190517
        module load openmpi/1.10.2
        module use ~access/modules
        module load fcm
        module load subversion/1.9.0
        {% if TOTALVIEW %} 
        module load totalview
        {% endif %}
        # rwb add IPM - test new version 290517
        module load ipm/2.0.5
        export IPM_LOG=full
        # IPM  working directory
        export IPM_LOGDIR=/short/p66/rb4844/ipm_logs
        # and file naming
        export IPM_LOGFILE=rb4844.am528.`date +%s`
        # end IPM  
        module list -l
       # Model doesn't use rose mpi-launch so set limits here
       ulimit -s unlimited

BUT, the export IPM_LOGFILE does not work as I envisaged - maybe a syntax error here? I want it to be username plus suite name plus date and, if possible, maybe the yearmonthday if not too bulky perhaps?

Issue migrated from trac:319 at 2024-01-31 18:29:22 +1100

penguian commented 6 years ago

rb4844 changed status from new to closed

penguian commented 6 years ago

rb4844 set resolution to fixed

penguian commented 6 years ago

rb4844 commented

Use separate sub-directories for each suite and don't worry about file names.