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CICE code version check #321

Closed penguian closed 7 years ago

penguian commented 7 years ago

resolution_fixed | by rb4844

Nic Hannah flagged as a possible reason for lack of reproducibility an issue with CICE code versions as per email below. Can someone check on this?

The conversation is attached below. It's about differences in code in ocean_sbc.F90 between Hailin's copy of MOM5 and the one on the GitHub repo. I'm not sure whether this was resolved. Hailin and Dave must have changed things for a reason.

I think the main point is this:

"""" I'd appreciate your thoughts on what is going on here. pme_river is "mass flux of water into ocean from pme+river-melt". In Hailin's code melt is being added to pme() using ice melt/form but then it is being removed from pme_river using a different calculation (i.e. based on salt flux from the coupler not on ice melt/form fluxes from the coupler). This seems inconsistent to me. I would have thought that the purpose of pme_river is to hold pme minus it's the melt component already added (not some other melt component).

Even if salt_flux() is consistent with wfimelt()/wfiform() such that total melt can be determined by either, there is an inconsistency between the ice reference salinities used in the ice and ocean models (ice uses 0.004, ocean uses 0.005). This will lead to an error in Hailin's pme_river variable. i.e. for the purposes of the pme_river calculation Haillin's runs will have up to 20% less melt than mine (and this less melt will lead to greater pme_river since pme_river = pme + river - melt) """"


Issue migrated from trac:321 at 2024-01-31 18:29:35 +1100

penguian commented 7 years ago

rb4844 changed component from ACCESS model to ACCESS-CM2

penguian commented 7 years ago

spo599 changed status from new to closed

penguian commented 7 years ago

spo599 set resolution to fixed

penguian commented 7 years ago

spo599 commented

These issues have been discussed with Nic Hannah and Russ Fiedler, along with other issues that are arising in ACCESS-OM2 and are resolved.

New issues are being raised on the OceanAus/MOM5 githib pages