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Coupled model runs start from September initial dump #342

Closed penguian closed 6 years ago

penguian commented 6 years ago

resolution_fixed | by

All the coupled model suites have used the same initial dump as the AMIP runs,

AINITIAL = /g/data/access/TIDS/OCEAN/hadgem3/initial/atmos/N96L85/ab357a.da19810901_00

However coupled models runs start on Jan 1 rather than Sep 1 so there's a mismatch here. The reconfiguration changes the dump file date to 0001-01-01 but soil temperature etc will still be September values.

Issue migrated from trac:342 at 2024-01-31 18:32:07 +1100

penguian commented 6 years ago commented

Would expect that this will particularly affect the deep soil temperatures.

In u-al623 the level 4 soil temperature in Jan year 1 is much colder than the time mean in the SH and warmer in the NH. Differences are much smaller in year 2. tdiff1.png tdiff2.png

The global mean RMS difference wrt the climatology reaches equilibrium in about 10 years (some of this may be temperature drift unrelated to the date error). rms_series.png

RMS difference over the region 60S to 60N reaches equilibrium in just a few years. rms_series2.png

penguian commented 6 years ago changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 6 years ago uploaded file tdiff1.png (56.1 KiB)

penguian commented 6 years ago uploaded file tdiff2.png (51.7 KiB)

penguian commented 6 years ago _uploaded file rms_series.png (59.8 KiB)_

penguian commented 6 years ago _uploaded file rms_series2.png (48.8 KiB)_

penguian commented 6 years ago commented

The install_cold task in the coupled model suite resets the dump file date with

        script = echo -e "$BYEAR 1 1\n" | ~access/apps/pythonlib/umfile_utils/ $ROSE_DATA/$RUNID.astart

The UM configuration has


which means that the reconfiguration resets the year number. Without the extra explicit override the model would have picked up the mismatch in months. E.g.

?  Error code: 10
?  Error from routine: INITTIME
?  Error message:
?        Mismatch between model_basis_time read from namelist and validity time 
?        from dump fixed header.
?        model_basis_time    =      1      1      1      0      0      0
?        fixhd validity time =      1      9      1      0      0      0

See also #344.

penguian commented 6 years ago changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 6 years ago commented

Starting from a GA7/7.1 dump file with stochastic physics variables requires the reconfiguration fix described in comment:3:#344.

penguian commented 6 years ago changed status from new to closed

penguian commented 6 years ago set resolution to fixed

penguian commented 6 years ago commented

All pre-industrial suites are descended from u-aq959 which starts from a Jan 1st dump from an AMIP run,

  AINITIAL = /projects/access/access-cm2/input_b/um_astart/aj458a.da19890101_00