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CABLE historical suite #369

Open penguian opened 5 years ago

penguian commented 5 years ago

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Describe configuration of the ACCESS-CM2 CABLE historical suite.

Issue migrated from trac:369 at 2024-01-31 18:34:48 +1100

penguian commented 5 years ago changed status from assigned to accepted

penguian commented 5 years ago set owner to mrd599

penguian commented 5 years ago commented

Started with copy of PI cojtrol u-bf481, called u-bh650.

Compare suite to AMIP run u-bg209 and copy across the relevant differences.

rose config-diff --ignore namelist:nlstcall_pp --ignore namelist:use --ignore namelist:items --ignore namelist:domain --ignore namelist:streq --ignore namelist:time ~mrd599/roses/u-bh650/app/um/rose-app.conf ~rb4844/roses/u-bg209/app/um/rose-app.conf

shows configuration differences excluding as much irrelevant stuff as possible. The only important thing this excludes is the ozone file ancillary.

Other differences are all related to AMIP vs coupled.

Also compare to the Met Office historical suite u-bf801. This is harder to interpret because it's a vn10.7 suite and there are some new variables. STASH is also renamed. use

rose config-diff  --ignore namelist:idealise --ignore namelist:umstash_streq --ignore namelist:umstash_domain --ignore namelist:umstash_use --ignore namelist:umstash_time --ignore namelist:umstash_items  --ignore namelist:nlstcall_pp --ignore namelist:use --ignore namelist:items --ignore namelist:domain --ignore namelist:streq --ignore namelist:time 

Differences were as expected for CABLE vs JULES.

penguian commented 5 years ago changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 5 years ago changed _comment1 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 5 years ago commented

The Met Office suite u-bf801 includes the ozone adjustment. This uses the diagnostic model tropopause height from the previous two years to adjust the ozone profile. The script is https://metoffice-mirror/svn/ancil/contrib/trunk/OzoneConc/bin/ and is based on iris and ants. Although written for UM PP files it works without modification with netCDF files created by iris from fieldsfiles with this environment

module use /g/data3/hh5/public/modules
module load conda/analysis27-18.10
module load pythonlib/ants/0.9.0
penguian commented 5 years ago commented

Extra ocean diagostics from Abhi saved from start of year 1854.

penguian commented 5 years ago commented

Historical run requires extra atmospheric diagnostics from 1950 and even more from 1960. For simplicity add them all from 1950. These are the PIextra diagnostics as in #367#comment:8.

These were exported from bf481 and then imported. Note that when importing with

rose macro stash_copy.STASHImport

the package filter must be specified as 'PIextra' else it will overwrite the whole STASH settings.

Also added the 6 hour model level fields from suite u-bh648.

penguian commented 5 years ago changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive