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Create UM land sea mask and surface ancillaries #383

Open penguian opened 3 years ago

penguian commented 3 years ago

type_non-CMIP6 | by

UM land sea mask needs to match ocean model for flux conservation.

The strict requirement is that the UM has non-zero ocean fraction intersection with every ocean grid box from the ocean model.

Issue migrated from trac:383 at 2024-01-31 18:36:19 +1100

penguian commented 3 years ago changed status from new to assigned

penguian commented 3 years ago set owner to mrd599

penguian commented 3 years ago set milestone to ACCESS-CM2-025

penguian commented 3 years ago changed status from assigned to accepted

penguian commented 3 years ago commented

Mask file is /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_025deg/ This has a few points different to the mask that was used in the earlier CM2 0.025 degree configuration so coupling files need to be recreated.

Created ~access/access-cm2/input_O025/cpl_n96/ from by replacing the cice.msk with the mask from /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_025deg/

Ran the coupled model suite u-ch054 with no mapping files so that OASIS generated them. Original files (e.g. ~access/access-cm2/input_O025/cpl_n96/ moved to rmp_old subdirectory and new ones copied in place.

To calculate the UM land fraction, used the ESMF regridding weights generation described at with the conserve option, e.g. ESMF_RegridWeightGen -i -m conserve -s -d -w These weights are unmasked. Apply these weights to the ocean mask to calculate a land fraction on the UM grid. Points with land fraction < 0.01 were set to ocean.

The resulting land fraction file has only 5 points different to that from the old version ~(access/data/ancil/access_cm2_n96e/O025/qrarm.landfrac) corresponding to the number of ocean mask changes, confirming that the procedure is valid. The UM land sea mask does not change.

UM ancillary generating suite is u-cd511. Used the orography source patched with the AUSDEM data over Australia. To use the correct land fraction rather than one created by the suite, copy qrparm.mask and qrparm.landfrac to /cylc-run/u-cd511/share/data/n96e_O025/land_sea_mask/etop01/ after the ancilMask task has run and created the directory.

Only the ancilVegfrac, ancilSmcsnow, ancilOrog tasks from the CAP group are required, as well as the ANTS group.

Programs for creating the CABLE vegetation ancillaries are in the repository This uses NCAR CMIP5 data from ~wan028/lulcc-ncar/pftlandusedyn.0.5x0.5.simyr1850-2005.c090630 on ruby.

penguian commented 3 years ago changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 3 years ago changed _comment1 which not transferred by tractive