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PD model configuration #415

Open penguian opened 3 years ago

penguian commented 3 years ago

type_non-CMIP6 | by

The ACCESS-CM2-025 present day control suite is u-ch054.

This used the OM2 CICE namelist and gave steadily increasing ice. This was due to using calc_strair=.true. which seems to make CICE do its own drag calculation rather than use the coupling fields.

Run u-ch495 uses the original CM2 CICE namelists.

Issue migrated from trac:415 at 2024-01-31 18:39:47 +1100

penguian commented 3 years ago commented

MOM and CICE namelists taken from and merged with the CM2 standard CMIP6 ones from u-bz687.

penguian commented 3 years ago changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 3 years ago commented

CICE namelist differences between standard CMIP6 configuration and new O025 configuration

domain_nml CMIP6 O025
distribution_wght block latitude
maskhalo_bound False True
maskhalo_dyn False True
maskhalo_remap False True
nprocs 16 96
processor_shape square-pop slenderX1
\ dynamics_nml CMIP6 O025
cosw 1.0
dragio 0.00536
sinw 0.0
\ forcing_nml CMIP6 O025
calc_strair False True
highfreq True
tfrz_option linear_salt
\ grid_nml CMIP6 O025
kcatbound 1 0
\ ponds_nml CMIP6 O025
frzpnd cesm hlid
hs0 0.03 0.0
rfracmax 0.85 1.0
\ setup_nml CMIP6 O025
dt 1800 1350
npt 8688 1984
print_global True False
print_points True False
restart True False
runtype continue initial
\ shortwave_nml CMIP6 O025
ahmax 0.5 0.1
albicei 0.36 0.44
albicev 0.78 0.86
dalb_mlt -0.02
dt_mlt 1.0
r_snw 1.5 0.0
snowpatch 0.02
tocnfrz -1.8
\ thermo_nml CMIP6 O025
chio 0.006
conduct MU71 bubbly
dsdt_slow_mode -1.5e-07 -5e-08
saltmax 9.6
\ tracer_nml CMIP6 O025
tr_iage True False
tr_lvl True False
tr_pond_topo True False


penguian commented 3 years ago changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 3 years ago commented

MOM namelist differences between standard CMIP6 configuration and new O025 configuration

auscom_ice_nml CMIP6 O025
do_sfix_at_start True
dt_cpl 1800 1350
ige 345
igs 328
ire1 324
ire2 335
irs1 314
irs2 325
jge 198
jgs 189
jre1 196
jre2 180
jrs1 169
jrs2 169
kmxice 15 5
redsea_gulfbay_sfix True False
sfix_hours 24
\ bg_diff_lat_dependence_nml not in O025 data_override_nml not in O025 diag_manager_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_diag_manager False
issue_oor_warnings False True
max_axes 400
max_files 200
max_input_fields 350
max_num_axis_sets 200
\ fms_nml CMIP6 O025
domains_stack_size 115200
\ mpp_io_nml not in CMIP6 ocean_adv_vel_diag_nml CMIP6 O025
verbose_cfl False True
\ ocean_barotropic_nml CMIP6 O025
barotropic_halo 10
debug_this_module False
smooth_eta_t_biharmonic True False
smooth_eta_t_laplacian False True
smooth_pbot_t_biharmonic True False
smooth_pbot_t_laplacian False True
use_legacy_barotropic_halos False
zero_tendency False
\ ocean_bbc_nml CMIP6 O025
bmf_implicit True
cdbot 0.001
cdbot_hi 0.007
cdbot_law_of_wall False
cdbot_roughness_uamp True
uresidual 0.05
use_geothermal_heating False
\ ocean_bbc_ofam_nml not in O025 ocean_bihgen_friction_nml CMIP6 O025
bottom_5point True False
ncar_boundary_scaling True False
ncar_boundary_scaling_read False
\ ocean_convect_nml CMIP6 O025
convect_full_scalar True
convect_full_vector False
\ ocean_density_nml CMIP6 O025
neutralrho_max 1030.0 1038.0
neutralrho_min 1020.0 1028.0
\ ocean_domains_nml CMIP6 O025
max_tracers 20 5
\ ocean_drifters_nml not in O025 ocean_form_drag_nml CMIP6 O025
cprime_aiki 0.6
\ ocean_frazil_nml CMIP6 O025
frazil_only_in_surface True False
freezing_temp_preteos10 True
freezing_temp_simple True False
\ ocean_grids_nml not in O025 ocean_increment_eta_nml CMIP6 O025
days_to_increment 0
fraction_increment 1.0
secs_to_increment 3600
\ ocean_increment_tracer_nml CMIP6 O025
days_to_increment 0
fraction_increment 1.0
secs_to_increment 3600
\ ocean_increment_velocity_nml CMIP6 O025
days_to_increment 0
fraction_increment 1.0
secs_to_increment 3600
\ ocean_lapgen_friction_nml CMIP6 O025
ncar_only_equatorial True
use_this_module True False
vconst_1 8000000.0
vconst_2 0.0
vconst_3 0.8
vconst_4 5e-09
vconst_5 3
vconst_6 300000000.0
vconst_7 100.0
viscosity_ncar True False
viscosity_ncar_2000 False
viscosity_ncar_2007 True False
\ ocean_mixdownslope_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module False
use_this_module True False
\ ocean_model_nml CMIP6 O025
barotropic_split 100 80
do_wave True
dt_ocean 1800 1350
io_layout [4, 6]
layout [8, 10] [32, 30]
\ ocean_momentum_source_nml CMIP6 O025
rayleigh_damp_exp_from_bottom False
\ ocean_nphysics_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module False
\ ocean_nphysics_util_nml CMIP6 O025
agm 600.0
agm_closure_eden_gamma 0.0
agm_closure_eden_greatbatch False
agm_closure_length 50000.0 20000
agm_closure_length_bczone False
agm_closure_length_fixed False
agm_closure_length_rossby False
agm_closure_max 1200.0 200
agm_closure_min 100.0 50.0
agm_damping_time 45.0
agm_smooth_space False
agm_smooth_time False
aredi 300.0 200
aredi_diffusivity_grid_scaling True
drhodz_smooth_horz False
drhodz_smooth_vert False
rossby_radius_max 100000.0
rossby_radius_min 15000.0
smax 0.002
swidth 0.0002
tracer_mix_micom False
vel_micom 0.0
\ ocean_nphysicsa_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module False
neutral_linear_gm_taper True
neutral_physics_limit True
neutral_physics_simple .false
neutral_sine_taper True
tmask_neutral_on True
\ ocean_nphysicsc_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module False
\ ocean_obc_nml not in O025 ocean_overexchange_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module False
overexch_check_extrema False
overexch_npts 4
overexch_weight_far False
overflow_umax 5.0
\ ocean_overflow_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module False
\ ocean_overflow_ofp_nml not in CMIP6 ocean_passive_nml not in O025 ocean_polar_filter_nml not in O025 ocean_pressure_nml not in O025 ocean_rivermix_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module False
\ ocean_rough_nml not in CMIP6 ocean_sbc_nml CMIP6 O025
calvingspread False
do_bitwise_exact_sum False
do_flux_correction False
do_langmuir True
ice_salt_concentration 0.004
land_model_heat_fluxes False
max_delta_salinity_restore 0.5 -0.5
max_ice_thickness 8.0 0.0
salt_correction_scale 0.0
use_full_patm_for_sea_level False
waterflux_tavg False
zero_net_salt_correction False
zero_net_water_correction False
\ ocean_sbc_ofam_nml not in O025 ocean_shortwave_csiro_nml CMIP6 O025
read_depth True
zmax_pen 7000
\ ocean_shortwave_csiro_ofam_nml not in O025 ocean_shortwave_gfdl_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module False
zmax_pen 7000.0 1000000.0
\ ocean_sigma_transport_nml CMIP6 O025
sigma_advection_on False
sigma_advection_sgs_only False
sigma_diffusion_on True
sigma_diffusivity_ratio 1e-06
sigma_just_in_bottom_cell True
sigma_umax 0.01
smooth_sigma_thickness True
smooth_sigma_velocity True
smooth_velmicom 0.2
thickness_sigma_layer 100.0
thickness_sigma_max 100.0
thickness_sigma_min 100.0
tmask_sigma_on False
tracer_mix_micom True
use_this_module True False
vel_micom 0.05
\ ocean_solo_nml CMIP6 O025
days 181 31
dt_cpld 1800 1350
\ ocean_sponges_eta_ofam_nml not in O025 ocean_sponges_tracer_nml CMIP6 O025
damp_coeff_3d False
\ ocean_sponges_tracer_ofam_nml not in O025 ocean_sponges_velocity_ofam_nml not in O025 ocean_submesoscale_nml CMIP6 O025
coefficient_ce 0.05
debug_this_module False
smooth_advect_transport True
smooth_advect_transport_num 4
smooth_psi True
smooth_psi_num 3
submeso_advect_flux False
submeso_advect_limit True
submeso_advect_upwind True
submeso_advect_zero_bdy True
submeso_diffusion False
submeso_diffusion_biharmonic True
submeso_diffusion_scale 10.0
submeso_limit_flux True
submeso_skew_flux True
use_psi_legacy False
\ ocean_tempsalt_nml CMIP6 O025
pottemp_equal_contemp False
s_max 55.0 70.0
s_min -1.0 0.0
s_min_limit 0.0 2.0
t_min -5.0 -20.0
t_min_limit -2.0 -5.0
\ ocean_thickness_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module False
initialize_zero_eta False
read_rescale_rho0_mask False
rescale_mass_to_get_ht_mod False
rescale_rho0_basin_label 7.0
rescale_rho0_mask_gfdl False
rescale_rho0_value 0.75
thickness_dzt_min 1.0
thickness_dzt_min_init 2.0
\ ocean_time_filter_nml not in O025 ocean_topog_nml CMIP6 O025
min_thickness 25.0 0.001
\ ocean_tracer_advect_nml CMIP6 O025
advect_sweby_all True
debug_this_module False
read_basin_mask False
\ ocean_tracer_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module False
use_tempsalt_check_range True
\ ocean_velocity_advect_nml not in O025 ocean_velocity_diag_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module False
\ ocean_velocity_nml CMIP6 O025
zero_tendency_explicit_a False
zero_tendency_explicit_b False
zero_tendency_implicit False
\ ocean_vert_chen_nml not in O025 ocean_vert_const_nml not in O025 ocean_vert_gotm_nml not in O025 ocean_vert_kpp_mom4p1_nml CMIP6 O025
diff_con_limit 0.1
do_langmuir True
do_langmuir_cvmix True
smooth_blmc True False
smooth_ri_kmax_eq_kmu True
visc_con_limit 0.1
\ ocean_vert_mix_nml CMIP6 O025
afkph_00 0.65
afkph_90 0.75
bryan_lewis_lat_depend True False
bryan_lewis_lat_transition 35.0
dfkph_00 1.15
dfkph_90 0.95
hwf_diffusivity False
hwf_min_diffusivity 2e-06
hwf_n0_2omega 20.0
j09_diffusivity True False
linear_taper_diff_cbt_table False
sfkph_00 4.5e-05
sfkph_90 4.5e-05
vert_diff_back_via_max False True
zfkph_00 250000.0
zfkph_90 250000.0
\ ocean_vert_pp_nml not in O025 ocean_vert_tidal_nml CMIP6 O025
decay_scale 300.0 500.0
drag_dissipation_use_cdbot True
drhodz_min 1e-12 1e-10
max_drag_diffusivity 0.005
roughness_scale 20000.0 12000.0
shelf_depth_cutoff 160.0 -1000.0
use_legacy_methods False
\ ocean_xlandinsert_nml CMIP6 O025
verbose_init True
\ ocean_xlandmix_nml CMIP6 O025
verbose_init True
xlandmix_kmt True


penguian commented 3 years ago changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 3 years ago changed status from new to accepted

penguian commented 3 years ago set owner to mrd599

penguian commented 3 years ago commented

This comparison uses the namelists printed by MOM so excludes spurious differences in default values.

auscom_ice_nml CMIP6 O025
do_sfix_at_start True False
dt_cpl 1800 1200
ire2 335 331
kmxice 15 5
redsea_gulfbay_sfix True False
sfix_hours 24 12
\ ocean_adv_vel_diag_nml CMIP6 O025
verbose_cfl False True
\ ocean_barotropic_nml CMIP6 O025
barotropic_halo 1 10
smooth_eta_t_biharmonic True False
smooth_eta_t_laplacian False True
smooth_pbot_t_biharmonic True False
smooth_pbot_t_laplacian False True
use_legacy_barotropic_halos True False
\ ocean_bbc_nml CMIP6 O025
bmf_implicit False True
cdbot 0.001 0.0025
cdbot_hi 0.003 0.007
cdbot_roughness_uamp False True
\ ocean_bbc_ofam_nml CMIP6 O025
uresidual2_max 1.0 0.05
\ ocean_bihgen_friction_nml CMIP6 O025
bottom_5point True False
ncar_boundary_scaling True False
\ ocean_convect_nml CMIP6 O025
convect_full_scalar True False
\ ocean_density_nml CMIP6 O025
neutralrho_max 1030.0 1038.0
neutralrho_min 1020.0 1028.0
\ ocean_domains_nml CMIP6 O025
max_tracers 20 5
\ ocean_form_drag_nml CMIP6 O025
cprime_aiki 0.6 0.3
\ ocean_frazil_nml CMIP6 O025
frazil_only_in_surface True False
freezing_temp_preteos10 False True
freezing_temp_simple True False
\ ocean_grids_nml CMIP6 O025
debug_this_module True False
\ ocean_increment_eta_nml CMIP6 O025
days_to_increment 0 1
secs_to_increment 3600 0
\ ocean_increment_tracer_nml CMIP6 O025
days_to_increment 0 1
secs_to_increment 3600 0
\ ocean_increment_velocity_nml CMIP6 O025
days_to_increment 0 1
secs_to_increment 3600 0
\ ocean_lapgen_friction_nml CMIP6 O025
ncar_only_equatorial True False
use_this_module True False
vconst_1 8000000.0 10000000.0
vconst_3 0.8 0.16
vconst_4 5e-09 2e-08
vconst_6 300000000.0 10000000.0
viscosity_ncar True False
viscosity_ncar_2000 False True
viscosity_ncar_2007 True False
\ ocean_mixdownslope_nml CMIP6 O025
use_this_module True False
\ ocean_model_nml CMIP6 O025
barotropic_split 100 80
dt_ocean 1800 1200
io_layout [0, 0] [8, 6]
layout [8, 10] [32, 24]
\ ocean_nphysics_util_nml CMIP6 O025
agm 600.0 1000.0
agm_closure_eden_gamma 0.0 200.0
agm_closure_length 50000.0 20000.0
agm_closure_max 1200.0 200.0
agm_closure_min 100.0 50.0
agm_damping_time 45.0 10.0
aredi 300.0 200.0
aredi_diffusivity_grid_scaling False True
smax 0.002 0.01
swidth 0.0002 0.0005
\ ocean_overexchange_nml CMIP6 O025
overexch_npts 4 1
overflow_umax 5.0 1.0
\ ocean_sbc_nml CMIP6 O025
do_bitwise_exact_sum True False
do_langmuir True False
ice_salt_concentration 0.004 0.005
max_delta_salinity_restore 0.5 -0.5
max_ice_thickness 8.0 0.0
\ ocean_shortwave_gfdl_nml CMIP6 O025
zmax_pen 7000.0 1000000.0
\ ocean_sigma_transport_nml CMIP6 O025
sigma_advection_sgs_only False True
sigma_umax 0.01 0.1
thickness_sigma_layer 100.0 50.0
thickness_sigma_min 100.0 10.0
tracer_mix_micom True False
use_this_module True False
vel_micom 0.05 0.5
\ ocean_solo_nml CMIP6 O025
dt_cpld 1800 1200
\ ocean_submesoscale_nml CMIP6 O025
coefficient_ce 0.07 0.05
smooth_advect_transport_num 2 4
smooth_psi_num 2 3
submeso_advect_limit False True
submeso_advect_zero_bdy False True
submeso_diffusion_biharmonic False True
submeso_diffusion_scale 1.0 10.0
\ ocean_tempsalt_nml CMIP6 O025
s_max 55.0 70.0
s_min -1.0 0.0
s_min_limit 0.0 2.0
t_min -5.0 -20.0
t_min_limit -2.0 -5.0
\ ocean_thickness_nml CMIP6 O025
rescale_rho0_basin_label 7.0 -1.0
rescale_rho0_value 0.75 1.0
thickness_dzt_min_init 2.0 5.0
\ ocean_topog_nml CMIP6 O025
min_thickness 25.0 0.001
\ ocean_tracer_advect_nml CMIP6 O025
advect_sweby_all True False
\ ocean_tracer_nml CMIP6 O025
use_tempsalt_check_range False True
\ ocean_vert_kpp_mom4p1_nml CMIP6 O025
do_langmuir True False
do_langmuir_cvmix True False
smooth_blmc True False
smooth_ri_kmax_eq_kmu False True
\ ocean_vert_mix_nml CMIP6 O025
afkph_00 0.65 0.55
afkph_90 0.75 0.55
bryan_lewis_lat_depend True False
dfkph_00 1.15 1.05
dfkph_90 0.95 1.05
j09_diffusivity True False
vert_diff_back_via_max False True
\ ocean_vert_tidal_nml CMIP6 O025
decay_scale 300.0 500.0
drag_dissipation_use_cdbot False True
drhodz_min 1e-12 1e-10
roughness_scale 20000.0 12000.0
shelf_depth_cutoff 160.0 -1000.0


penguian commented 3 years ago

spo599 changed owner from mrd599 to spo599

penguian commented 3 years ago changed status from accepted to assigned

penguian commented 3 years ago changed owner from spo599 to mrd599

penguian commented 3 years ago edited the issue description