Open penguian opened 10 years ago commented
Summarise what users connect to the system & what commands get run using psacct
command: write to syslog, e.g.
logger -t UMUI "${USER} ${PROJECT} submitted $RUNID"
creates a line in /var/log/messages
Apr 9 11:28:57 accessdev UMUI: saw562 w35 submitted vabcd
Querying the logs may require some tooling commented
This looks interesting - open source log monitoring & analytics commented
Demo analytics setup for UMUI - The UMUI POSTs a json file containing job info to an elasticsearch instance when a job is processed, Kibana then produces analytics from the data in elasticsearch
Requires following UMUI patch to send basis info (ATM this is only being done on a test instance, not on accessdev proper):
Index: UM/um_nav_actions.tcl
--- UM/um_nav_actions.tcl (revision 951)
+++ UM/um_nav_actions.tcl (working copy)
@@ -110,10 +110,66 @@
unset processing_in_progress
set processing_done 1
+ # JSON document for elasticsearch
+ set json "{"
+ append json "\"user\":\"$::env(USER)\""
+ append json ",\"project\":\"$::env(PROJECT)\""
+ append json ",\"basis\":[ jsonify_basis ]"
+ append json ",\"timestamp\":\"[ clock format [ clock seconds ] -gmt true -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" ]\""
+ append json "}"
+ # POST the JSON document to the elasticsearch server
+ # Just use CURL as I don't understand TCL's http library
+ set url "http://localhost:9200/umui/process"
+ exec -ignorestderr curl -XPOST $url -d @- << $json
+ set testfile [open ~/tmp w]
+ puts $testfile $json
+ close $testfile
+# Turn the basis file into json format
+# Result looks like {"key":"value","key":["a","b","c"]}
+proc jsonify_basis {} {
+ # Json doesn't allow for a trailing comma, so we'll play a trick here
+ set delim ""
+ set result "{"
+ set variableNames [ get_allVariableName ]
+ foreach key $variableNames {
+ # Is this variable an array?
+ if [ regexp {\(.*\)} $key ] {
+ # Strip array size
+ set key [ regsub {\(.*\)} $key ""]
+ set value [ jsonify_list [ get_variable_array $key ] ]
+ } else {
+ set value "\"[ get_variable_value $key ]\""
+ }
+ append result $delim "\"$key\": $value"
+ set delim ","
+ }
+ append result "}"
+ return $result
+# Turn a TCL list into json
+# Result looks like '[ "a", "b", "c" ]'
+proc jsonify_list {a} {
+ set delim ""
+ set result "\["
+ foreach value $a {
+ append result $delim "\"$value\""
+ set delim ","
+ }
+ append result "\]"
+ return $result
# um_nav_submit
# Called when Submit button pressed
# Comments
ibc599 commented
Can we set this up for Rose?
Looks like you are using**
for umui submission?
Can we add another url for rose? commented
Certainly, I've added indexes called 'rose' and 'rose-test' that can be accessed from accessdev.
To add entries POST json documents to a subdirectory of the index e.g.,
curl -xPOST -d '{
"user": "ibc599",
"runid": "abc00",
"timestamp": "1900-01-01"
The type subdirectories correspond to a database table - they should all have the same argument list. For the UMUI stuff I've put each UM version into a different type since the basis variable list changes between versions.
The documentation on the elasticsearch website is pretty good for getting a handle on how to use it for submitting and searching through documents - removed milestone (was Future
) commented
Milestone Future deleted commented
I'd like to experiment with this to track which cylc versions are being used.
However trying
curl -XPOST -d '{ ... '}
from the command line gave an authentication error.
Adding -u mrd599 prompted for a password and then failed with
The requested URL /rose-test/my_type was not found on this server. commented
'rose-test' hadn't been set up in apache, fixed now commented
Uploading works ok now.
However the timestamp isn't behaving. If I do
curl -XGET ''
I get entries like
{"_index":"rose-test","_type":"my_type","_id":"TweMNn4BTI2gA2nvumqJkw","_score":1.0, "_source" : {
"user" : "mrd599",
"runid" : "test",
"project" : "p66",
"hostname" : ""
The timestamps look the same from the umui index
However they don't seem to be interpreted correctly. Using a cut-down example from one of the charts
curl -XGET '' -d '{
"facets": {
"terms": {
"terms": {
"field": "timestamp"
"size": 0
gives split up parts of the time string like
"terms" : [ {
"term" : "2015",
"count" : 6
}, {
"term" : "02",
"count" : 6
}, {
"term" : "30z",
"count" : 3
rather than the proper timestamps I get using the umui index.
Is there some extra step to tell it that timestamp should be interpreted as a time?
| by
How can we monitor usage of the HPC using the ACCESS system?
Things we might want to collect:
How we might go about it:
Issue migrated from trac:93 at 2024-01-31 18:02:29 +1100