ACCESS-NRI / amami

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Use case: converting ACCESS output for use in CABLE #23

Open aidanheerdegen opened 1 month ago

aidanheerdegen commented 1 month ago

Rachel Law described the process required to convert ACCESS output to a format usable as input for stand-alone CABLE in this forum post:

This is a potential use-case amami could (should?) target. Thoughts @ccarouge?

ccarouge commented 1 month ago

Anything that would make that process straightforward would be welcome. We will need a well-described way to do it as we are likely to do it regularly from various ACCESS experiments.

Rachel is describing a particular workflow since she is using timeseries output at a single location from ACCESS. So it's not using the standard output from the UM.

atteggiani commented 1 month ago

@ccarouge you said Rachel is describing a particular workflow. amami could serve to write a script to help Rachel (in this case) make her process straightforward and easier/quicker to carry out. But I think we should not directly support specific workflows with amami.

What I think is worth understanding and possibly supporting (and documenting) is the more general workflow that most users would carry out.

ccarouge commented 1 month ago

@atteggiani It's fine with me. I'll try and find someone in my team to write something with amami for Rachel's workflow. We'll let you know when we have something (you might hear from us for advice before then...) and we'll share on the forum. This way you can use that as an example if needed.

atteggiani commented 1 month ago

That sounds good, thank you. Also, if we think anything from that example can be replicated as a more frequent workflow, we can think about implementing that part as a standalone amami feature.