ACCESS-NRI / dev_coupling

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Create proper land-sea mask #7

Closed kieranricardo closed 8 months ago

MartinDix commented 8 months ago

Suite u-cy780 now uses the OM3 1 degree ocean configuration with ocean mask /g/data/ik11/inputs/access-om2/input_20201102/mom_1deg/

This is slightly different to the 1 degree mask used by CM2 ~access/access-cm2/input_b/cpl_n96/ In particular the Red Sea is one grid point wider in the OM2 version. Therefore we can't use the UM ancillary files from CM2 but need to create new ones.

Suite u-cx958 generates the CM2 ancillaries from OM2 grid files. Set rose-suite.conf to use


This CM2 suite doesn't generate soil roughness so disable that for now (see u-da953).

Need the GAL9 ancillary suite u-cp883 for soil roughness.

aekiss commented 8 months ago

Note that this is not the final land mask for OM3, just an interim one for testing. At some point we intend to re-generate the topography and land mask to take full advantage of the C grid, which will make some straits narrower.