ACCORD5 / TrellisDesk

A robust and user-friendly help desk solution for businesses and organizations.
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File attachment problems #43

Open darbin opened 12 years ago

darbin commented 12 years ago

Problem 1: When admin (or any user) submitting a ticket (/index.php?page=tickets&act=add&step=2) - there are no button to browse a file (group and department permissions allow to upload a file) Problem 2: When you trying create ticket from admin panel (admin.php?section=manage&page=tickets&act=add&step=2) - you able to browse the files, but in new window (select files to upload) you can't see and choose any files. In "Files of type" shows Files (). When you to Simple Uploader - you able to upload a files (problem on flash uploader)

darbin commented 12 years ago

Problem 3: There are no way to edit / delete tickets or replays attachments after submitting. Problem 4: Instead of uploading files in to defined directory (/data/uploads), they uploading into /data folder Problem 5: After editing a reply (edit -> save edit), attachment disappearing, but showing after you refresh the page. Problem 6: After deleting reply with attachment - attachment not deleting from file system. Problem 7: You able to upload a .jpg file but can't upload .JPG file. Problem 8: User didn't see his or stuff attachment when he viewing a ticket.

DanielRuf commented 12 years ago

Will look on some issues about the uploaders / attachments.

Please also test my fork / version of Trellis Desk.

It uses the latest version of Trellis Desk

If directory not readable: error msg directory

But we should use a lang variable from the language file / db

DanielRuf commented 12 years ago

Problem 3: We should add a preview button?

Problem 4: fixed, please add in the Tools & Settings -> Helpdesk Settings -> General -> Upload Directory a (traling) slash at the end

I fixed the install file so it works now directly.

Problem6: Works here, but I think I know what causes this. My fork has that fixed.

Problem 7: http://localhost/trellis/admin.php?section=manage&page=groups&act=edit&id=4 Add the new extensions and tick the right departments when you manage the groups.

Working on the other ones

Uploadify seems to have many problems and is not as easy to implement / made it work as wished.

The normal Ajax Upload works like wished.

DanielRuf commented 12 years ago

I suggest to delete uploadify and use the better ajaxupload script. Also set the upload limit simUploadLimit in class_skin.php to a setting value set in TD.

We dont need the flash uploader (I think so)

Another important bug / issue:

When creating a new ticket without a message and uploading some files, they are directly uploaded to the server (should be when the ticket is successfull created) and then the page refreshes, an error occurs (missing message) and the uploaded files are not shown so we upload them again. When deleting the ticket, it just deletes the new uploaded files. The files uploaded before the error occured stay on the server (big security problem).

So we should just upload (move_uploaded_file) the files finally to the server when all validation is passed.

I will address these issues and think about a solution I will work on (uploader and attachments)

Also attachments are saved without extensions, should be with them.

darbin commented 12 years ago

Problem 3: We should add a preview button?

After you submit a attachment - you should be able at least delete it when you editing the post. Also if you delete the attachment, you should be able add a new attachment.

Problem 7: Add the new extensions and tick the right departments when you manage the groups.

I did so, but I think this issue will again be asked by other administrators, so you should include this issue in FAQ (because by default should jpg = JPG). Also I think user should see what type of attachments he can attache.

DanielRuf commented 12 years ago

So we should convert JPG with PHP to small letters (jpg) that would solve the problem.

I will look further about the other problems and create some solutions =)

Fixed please see

gsmadmin commented 11 years ago

Hey. did you ever find a solution to problem1? I am having the same issue and running out of time..

nugynugrohoadi commented 11 years ago

upload directory : ./uploads

DanielRuf commented 10 years ago

@gsmadmin no, I have stopped working on this project some years ago.

preetamsingh commented 10 years ago

@darbin @DanielRuf @gsmadmin @nugynugrohoadi Hi all, I found a solution for this, Just go to database file by opening your PhpMyAdmin and look for " td_groups" table and edit the value 2048 of "g_upload_size_max" as per your choice. ( covert MB into Bytes), In my case I give maximum attachment size 5 MB so I put it 5242880 instead of 2048. Hope it will help you all. :) Cheers !

DanielRuf commented 10 years ago

@preetamsingh A solution for what? Are you sure that it has to be Bytes and not Kilobytes?

Problem 1 was this:

Problem 1: When admin (or any user) submitting a ticket (/index.php?page=tickets&act=add&step=2) - there are no button to browse a file (group and department permissions allow to upload a file)