ACCarnall / bagpipes

Bagpipes is a state of the art code for generating realistic model galaxy spectra and fitting these to spectroscopic and photometric observations. Users should install with pip, not by cloning the repository.
GNU General Public License v3.0
71 stars 37 forks source link

Problem with #48

Open ssuarez972 opened 10 months ago

ssuarez972 commented 10 months ago

Hello, I am currently getting started on the different functions of bagpipes, and I got stuck with example 3; I managed to load the filter data, but when I try to run I get the following:

  1 fit =, fit_instructions)

----> 2

File ~/anaconda3/envs/astrolab39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bagpipes/fitting/, in, verbose, n_live, use_MPI) 127 with warnings.catch_warnings(): 128 warnings.simplefilter("ignore") --> 129, 130 self.fitted_model.prior.transform, 131 self.fitted_model.ndim, n_live_points=n_live, 132 importance_nested_sampling=False, verbose=verbose, 133 sampling_efficiency="model", 134 outputfiles_basename=self.fname, use_MPI=use_MPI) 136 if rank == 0 or not use_MPI: 137 runtime = time.time() - start_time

NameError: name 'pmn' is not defined

I checked the but I couldn't manage to solve it, I would really appreciate any input on this issue

ACCarnall commented 10 months ago

You should be receiving an error when you first import bagpipes, reading "Bagpipes: PyMultiNest import failed, fitting will be unavailable." - you need to make sure pymultinest imports properly before you can run fits with the code.