ACCarnall / bagpipes

Bagpipes is a state of the art code for generating realistic model galaxy spectra and fitting these to spectroscopic and photometric observations. Users should install with pip, not by cloning the repository.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MIssing condition in model wavelength setup #51

Open rmendsley opened 8 months ago

rmendsley commented 8 months ago

Hi Adam,

I was trying to run a test photometry+spectrum fit that happened to be a case where the minimum and maximum wavelength bounds for the photometric bands fell entirely within the input spectrum wavelength regime. That condition isn't dealt with in the _get_wavelength_sampling function of the models/ script. That is, you're missing a condition where: self.spec_wavs[0] < self.filter_set.min_phot_wav and self.spec_wavs[-1] > self.filter_set.max_phot_wav. The resulting error was something like 'model_galaxy does not have attribute self.R' during the fit step.

I was able to resolve this and get the fit running by just throwing in a fake, very high noise photometric data point in a very blue band, but thought you might want to edit the code to include this case.

Cheers, Ryan

ACCarnall commented 8 months ago

Hey Ryan,

Thanks for pointing this out. I think I vaguely remember being aware of this at some point, but it's never really been an issue until JWST. I guess if people are working with prism data regularly it's much more likely this case will come up. I'll try to find some time to implement a fix in the next version.

Cheers, Adam