ACCarnall / bagpipes

Bagpipes is a state of the art code for generating realistic model galaxy spectra and fitting these to spectroscopic and photometric observations. Users should install with pip, not by cloning the repository.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AGN component #62

Closed mariabile closed 9 months ago

mariabile commented 9 months ago

Hi Adam, I was wondering how is it possible to include an AGN component into the fitting as in your nature paper? Is that included somewhere in BAGPIPES? Thanks so much!

ACCarnall commented 9 months ago

Yes this is possible, here are the instructions for the AGN component as included in the paper. Note that this just includes a broken power law and broad Ha and Hb components, it's not a full AGN model.

agn_comp = {}
agn_comp["hanorm"] = (0., 25.*10**-18)
agn_comp["f5100A"] = (0., 10**-19)
agn_comp["sigma"] = (1000., 5000.)
agn_comp["sigma_prior"] = "log_10"

agn_comp["alphalam"] = (-2., 2.)
agn_comp["alphalam_prior"] = "Gaussian"
agn_comp["alphalam_prior_mu"] = -1.5
agn_comp["alphalam_prior_sigma"] = 0.5

agn_comp["betalam"] = (-2, 2.)
agn_comp["betalam_prior"] = "Gaussian"
agn_comp["betalam_prior_mu"] = 0.5
agn_comp["betalam_prior_sigma"] = 0.5

fit_instructions["agn"] = agn_comp