ACCarnall / bagpipes

Bagpipes is a state of the art code for generating realistic model galaxy spectra and fitting these to spectroscopic and photometric observations. Users should install with pip, not by cloning the repository.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Iyer SFH Modeling #73

Closed MohammadRih closed 1 week ago

MohammadRih commented 2 weeks ago


I'm trying to use iyer sfh for my project but I have issues to do this. After 5 seconds, the fitting process is completed, but it does not provide us with any useful output. Even no error is given except a series of warnings. I will be very happy if you have any solution. some line of warnings are provided at bellow.

{RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10 self.stellar_mass = np.log10(np.sum(self.live_frac_grid*self.ceh.grid)) RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10 self.formed_mass = np.log10(np.sum(self.ceh.grid))}


jacqdanso commented 2 weeks ago

Hi! I encountered a similar issue with the Iyer SFH. It turns out it needs to be passed as fit_instructions["iyer2019"] = iyer and not fit_instructions["iyer"] = iyer, as it's been hardcoded as the former in the source code. This worked for me, so hopefully it helps!

ACCarnall commented 1 week ago

Please could you let me know which version of bagpipes and which version of dense basis you're using? The fit_instructions dictionary you're trying to use would also be very helpful.

MohammadRih commented 1 week ago

Hi again, First of all, Sorry for the delay in replying, and thank you very much Jacqueline for your kind advice. I went ahead with your instruction and it works well. And thank you Adam for the follow-up, I was able to run the code according to the Jacqueline comment, but I'm still a little confused in determining the physics of tx prior. Can you provide me some context that mentions that prior?


ACCarnall commented 1 week ago

Ah ok brilliant, glad you managed to get it working. For further info of this kind I would recommend having a look at Kartheik Iyer's 2019 (and later) papers, he's really better qualified to explain this stuff than I am, I just implemented his work into the code.

MohammadRih commented 5 days ago

Thanks Ok, I'll look at these ref and try to understand it.