Leverages "Focus" observation field to show all data for a specific patient. Tested with Specimen and Procedure Sub types.
Note: This currently breaks loading of Synthea data, because the synthetic data does not have a "focus" key
on observations, but the other datasets do.
Currently don't see a need to write special code for special case data.
Need to do more etl testing. not sure if the entire dataframe that is generated is making it to elastic.
Leverages "Focus" observation field to show all data for a specific patient. Tested with Specimen and Procedure Sub types.
Note: This currently breaks loading of Synthea data, because the synthetic data does not have a "focus" key on observations, but the other datasets do.
Currently don't see a need to write special code for special case data.
Need to do more etl testing. not sure if the entire dataframe that is generated is making it to elastic.