ACEMS / ECRretreat2017Nov

ACEMS Early Career Researchers are getting together
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Favourite Beach Games? #6

Closed jesse-jesse closed 6 years ago

jesse-jesse commented 6 years ago

On Monday afternoon we will have a BBQ on the beach with the attendees of the student retreat. We need some beach game ideas??

paul1010 commented 6 years ago

There's the quintessential: beach cricket, beach volleyball, burying someone alive? I think there are a few keen badmington players too (isn't Benoit badmington champ?)

zzzchong commented 6 years ago

We can also do something like tug of war, beach soccer, darts.

zzzchong commented 6 years ago

Maybe riddles is not a bad idea.

samclifford commented 6 years ago

@zzzchong "What have I got in my pocket?"

tarunendumapder commented 6 years ago

What about some "badminton" or "beach volley"? We have some badminton player here in ACEMS QUT.

jesse-jesse commented 6 years ago

I have croquet, and am continuing to collect games.

matiasq commented 6 years ago

What about some surfing? Given that we are in Surfers paradise after all :)

jesse-jesse commented 6 years ago

I don't have a surf board, but keen for swimming in the waves. Maybe there are some places for surf lessons?

jesse-jesse commented 6 years ago

oops.. pressed the wrong button.. did mean to close the issue