ACES-CMZ / reduction_ACES

Reduction scripts and tools for ACES
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Execution Block ID uid://A001/X15a0/X18a Sgr_A_st_an_03_TM1 #133

Open keflavich opened 2 years ago

keflavich commented 2 years ago

Sgr_A_st_an_03_TM1 uid://A001/X15a0/X18a

Product Links:

Reprocessed Product Links:

keflavich commented 2 years ago

Downloaded empty data from the ALMA archive:

$ ls -lh *X18a*
-rw-r--r-- 1 adamginsburg adamginsburg 723M Jun 11 16:50 2021.1.00172.L_uid___A001_X15a0_X18a_auxiliary.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 adamginsburg adamginsburg 3.5K Jun 11 13:26 member.uid___A001_X15a0_X18a.README.txt
$ md5sum *X18a*
e62d14d8970efe04caa4cd3cac630902  2021.1.00172.L_uid___A001_X15a0_X18a_auxiliary.tar
45243dd5a6a80b5da300bb9d2ff21537  member.uid___A001_X15a0_X18a.README.txt
$ tar tvf 2021.1.00172.L_uid___A001_X15a0_X18a_auxiliary.tar
keflavich commented 2 years ago

I re-downloaded the file and it now appears to have stuff in it. I think the e-mail was sent from ALMA, and the products were made available, before they were ready.

mpound commented 2 years ago

Size mitigation

 Mitigation parameters: spw: 25,27,29,31,35

Minor QA items

  1. Flag Tsys calibration : 8 out of 1056 spectra were fully flagged in all channels. Also, some Tsys plots have increase at location of spectral lines. (Similar to issue #142). In the end, this is probably fine. tsys-uid___A002_Xf8f6a9_X2f1d ms-summary spw19
  2. Low gain flag on DV23
  3. High bandpass flag on DV08, DA53 various SPWs. Also one instance of DV11, DA56 Bandpasses still look ok. Amps vs uvdistance are good.

Findcont SPW25

Weird circular pattern in findcont image uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s31_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw25 mfs I findcont residual autoLowerIntersect meanSpectrum mom0mom8jointMask min min 2 50sigma narrow4 trimauto_max=20 overwriteTrue

uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s31_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw25 mfs I findcont residual joint mask2 sky

keflavich commented 2 years ago

That pattern looks to me like PSF sidelobes around a bright SiO v=1 maser spot. Good catch.

mpound commented 2 years ago

Make target per-spw continuum images

Spw images look good except SPW29 which is 3-4x noisier than other SPWs. uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s34_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw29 mfs I iter1 image sky

mpound commented 2 years ago

@keflavich You're right, there are several masers in that cube, and a particularly bright one at that spot.

mpound commented 2 years ago

Quite a lovely continuum map -- two HII regions, filaments and a maser! Anyone recognize the HII region at G+0.49-0.074? A001_X15a0cont

keflavich commented 2 years ago

Perhaps Mehringer+ 1992 Sgr B1 E

mpound commented 2 years ago

Yep. Their Plate 2 overlays this field

mpound commented 2 years ago

Reprocessed data look good. Marking this as done!

mpound commented 2 years ago

Need to play with robust weighting to get beam down to requirements in SPW 33, currently at >2"

mpound commented 2 years ago

With robust = -2, the beam is 1.90"x1.29" PA=76.9 degrees, but of course with substantial loss of detail and S/N. r-2

keflavich commented 2 years ago

2.03 x 1.44 arcsec was the original pipeline version

mpound commented 2 years ago


Left: robust=0.5, Right: robust=-2 RMS in regions with no apparent emission (green): Left: ~120 µJy/beam, Right: ~185 µJy/beam

Note example yellow regions where there is apparent emission in the robust=-2 image but not in the robust=0.5 image. These are likely uncleaned flux; they appear in the residual.tt0 map

keflavich commented 2 years ago

Those differences in emission are very worrying - something that extended shouldn't just appear as an artifact. Also there's an extra point source in the right image? (just up and right of center)

mpound commented 2 years ago

Good catch, that's also in the residual


keflavich commented 2 years ago

Which residual is that viridis picture - robust-2 or robust0.5?

mpound commented 2 years ago

Residual is robust=-2. I don't have robust=0.5 residual (and don't see it on globus)

keflavich commented 1 year ago

Channels 577-587 diverge in spw 33 - only minorly

keflavich commented 1 year ago

607-615, 617-623 also - all in the top-right corner

keflavich commented 9 months ago

fix proposed in

keflavich commented 9 months ago

The pipeline seems to have failed in the original run: there are no files? I'm rerunning from scratch to see if that fixes it. Moved calibrated to broken_calibrated_20231216

EDIT: no, the above is not true - it looks like I commented on the wrong issue.

keflavich commented 9 months ago

Divergence appears to be cured

keflavich commented 9 months ago

Nchannels look right:

uid___A001_X15a0_X18a.s38_0.Sgr_A_star_sci.spw25.cube.I.iter1.image.pbcor.fits                                    1914
uid___A001_X15a0_X18a.s38_0.Sgr_A_star_sci.spw27.cube.I.iter1.image.pbcor.fits                                    1914
uid___A001_X15a0_X18a.s38_0.Sgr_A_star_sci.spw29.cube.I.iter1.image.pbcor.fits                                    1913
uid___A001_X15a0_X18a.s38_0.Sgr_A_star_sci.spw31.cube.I.iter1.image.pbcor.fits                                    1913
uid___A001_X15a0_X18a.s38_0.Sgr_A_star_sci.spw33.cube.I.iter1.image.pbcor.fits                                    3840
uid___A001_X15a0_X18a.s38_0.Sgr_A_star_sci.spw35.cube.I.iter1.image.pbcor.fits                                    3834
SpacialTree commented 6 months ago

Continuum QA

There were no missing continuum files for this field. As noted above, this region has a very nice continuum. I can see no major immediate differences between the low and high continuums other than a noise difference.

Spw25_27 uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw25_27 cont I iter1 image tt0-image-2024-03-04-15-57-48

Spw33_35 uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw33_35 cont I iter1 image tt0-image-2024-03-04-15-57-44

Old high spw33_35 uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci oldhigh_spw33_35 cont I iter1 image tt0-image-2024-03-04-15-57-57

Old spw25_27_29_31_33_35 uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw25_27_29_31_33_35 cont I iter1 image tt0-image-2024-03-04-15-57-52

Comparison images between spw25_27 (top) and spw33_35 (bottom)

This image shows perhaps a noise level difference between the two continuum images. The blob to the right of the source in the spw25_27 doesn't seem to be continuum nor line emission, so it is probably noise. uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw25_27 cont I iter1 image tt0-uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw33_35 cont I iter1 image tt0-image-2024-03-04-16-07-15

uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw25_27 cont I iter1 image tt0-uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw33_35 cont I iter1 image tt0-image-2024-03-04-16-08-08

uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw25_27 cont I iter1 image tt0-uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw33_35 cont I iter1 image tt0-image-2024-03-04-16-08-23

uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw25_27 cont I iter1 image tt0-uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw33_35 cont I iter1 image tt0-image-2024-03-04-16-08-35

SpacialTree commented 5 months ago

Continuum QA

Looks fine

Top: left = 33_35, right = 25_27 Bottom: left = old 33_35, right = 25_29_31_33_35

uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw33_35 cont I iter1 image tt0-uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci spw25_27 cont I iter1 image tt0-uid___A001_X15a0_X18a s36_0 Sgr_A_star_sci v1high_-2024-04-03-11