ACES-CMZ / reduction_ACES

Reduction scripts and tools for ACES
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Execution Block ID uid://A001/X1590/X30ae Sgr_A_st_a_03_TP #215

Open keflavich opened 2 years ago

keflavich commented 2 years ago

Sgr_A_st_a_03_TP uid://A001/X1590/X30ae

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ashleythomasbarnes commented 2 years ago

Warning! Elevation difference between ON and OFF for field Sgr_A_star antenna PM01 spw 17 was 4.152109705376404deg exceeding the threshold 3.0deg

eacmills commented 1 year ago

HCO+ / SPW 21 baseline fitting looks decent compared to others (though the higher-order polynomial fits still don't seem well justified and lead to a few weird fitted baselines in the line-masked regions that should be fixed)

Baseline fits: spectral_plot_before_subtraction_uid___A002_Xfd3ff4_X27f3 ms atmcor_Sgr_A_star_ant0_spw21_pol0

Averaged spectra: spectral_plot_before_subtraction_uid___A002_Xfd3ff4_X27f3 ms atmcor_Sgr_A_star_ant0_spw21_avg_pol0