ACEsuit / ACEpotentials.jl

Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials with the Atomic Cluster Expansion
MIT License
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Update 0.8.x to be compatible with Julia 1.11 #273

Open beckobert opened 1 month ago

beckobert commented 1 month ago

Hi, I am a complete newbie to both ACE and Julia and tried to install ACEpotentials.jl following the instructions in the documentation, but quickly run into the problem that I am not able to install the new 0.8 version, but only the old 0.6.7. As a reason, julia specifies:

status --outdated -m ⌅ [3b96b61c] ACEpotentials v0.6.7 (<v0.8.1): julia

I have installed the newest version of Julia, which is 1.11.1. According to the documentation, this should be compatible.

I had a look into the Project.toml file and if the syntax used by julia is similar to the one used by the Poetry Python manager, julia = "~1.10.0" would rule out any version >=1.11.

Can you please adjust this in the Project.toml file or clarify in the documentation, that only Julia 1.10 is supported?

cortner commented 1 month ago

We don't support Julia 1.11 yet. Please use Julia 1.10.

Depending on your needs you may prefer to use ACEpotentials 0.6.x regardless. It is currently a little more mature and more performant; 0.8.x is still a little experimental. However, we haven't tested 0.6.x with Julia 1.11 either and I would recommend to use 1.10 for the time being.

cortner commented 1 month ago

There is currently no immediate plan to test and update for Julia 1.11, it is not a high priority, but will probably happen within the next few months.