ACEsuit / Polynomials4ML.jl

Polynomials for ML: fast evaluation, batching, differentiation
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Embed and pool #72

Closed CheukHinHoJerry closed 11 months ago

CheukHinHoJerry commented 11 months ago

Implements PooledEmbeddings for double pullback / reverse over reverse

still WIP

Some notes for myself, we assume that PooledEmbedding has the following struct:

struct PooledEmbedding{NB, TB <: Tuple} <: AbstractPoly4MLBasis

and then TB is a tuple of embeddings with

evaluate(embedding, X)


ChainRulesCore.rrule(evaluate, embedding, X)


With X isa State and X::State + Y::State also defined (possibly for positions? I don't understand how operations like+ is defined in State yet so I will have to think over this but it should be straight forward.).

CheukHinHoJerry commented 11 months ago

Some how this is working, but there are some issues on type constrains/multiple dispatch that I have to mull over. fdtest coming soon tmr.

CheukHinHoJerry commented 11 months ago

A note to myself why we are usnig ChainRulesCore in:

      @nexprs $NB i -> begin
         _, embed_pb_i = ChainRulesCore.rrule(evaluate, basis.embeddings[i], X)    
      # pooling_pb : Vec -> (B_1, B_2, ..., B_NB)
      # embed_pb_i : B_i -> ∂X
      # use 3 since the interface must return (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), ∂)
      ∂X = zero(X)
      ∂BBs = pooling_pb(Δ)[3]
      # writes and accumulate to ∂X
      @nexprs $NB i -> begin
         ∂X_i = embed_pb_i(∂BBs[i])
         ∂X .+= ∂X_i[3]

Since Zygote will not be a dependency of P4ML.

CheukHinHoJerry commented 11 months ago

somehow the reverse over reverse is working on EquivariantModels.jl's end. But then something like this

      @nexprs $(NB) i -> begin
         ∂X_i = embed_pb_i(∂BBs[i])
         ∂X .+= ∂X_i[3]

is not general if .+ is not defined on X. But from my end I prefer to clean up and then merge and fix it with another PR after the State package is available.

CheukHinHoJerry commented 11 months ago

@cortner I think this is ready. There are some generalization to the State idea but I think it generally goes to overriding functions properly independent of the implementation of the current PR.

cortner commented 11 months ago

this seems no longer needed, so we are closing it, but keep the branch in case we ever want to revive it -- e.g. it could be a useful performance optimisation at some point.