ACEsuit / mace

MACE - Fast and accurate machine learning interatomic potentials with higher order equivariant message passing.
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Can we use pretrain model (mace_mp) and retrain with our configurations? #308

Closed Amitcuhp closed 5 months ago

Amitcuhp commented 5 months ago

I am curious to know if we can use mace_mp model and start from the epoch given and retrain with new configurations?

Is it possible?


davkovacs commented 5 months ago

Yes, it is implemented in the foundations branch:

you can select "small", "medium" and "large" models and it will automatically select the right hypers, no need to specify them. Here is an example for finetuning the small model:

mace_run_train ^ --name="MACE" ^ --foundation_model="small" ^ --train_file="D:\Work\mace_mp\" ^ --valid_fraction=0.01 ^ --test_file="D:\Work\mace_mp\" ^ --energy_weight=1.0 ^ --forces_weight=1.0 ^ --E0s="average" ^ --lr=0.01 ^ --error_table="PerAtomMAE" ^ --scaling="rms_forces_scaling" ^ --batch_size=2 ^ --max_num_epochs=6 ^ --ema ^ --ema_decay=0.99 ^ --amsgrad ^ --default_dtype="float32"^ --device=cuda ^ --seed=3

Amitcuhp commented 5 months ago

That's wonderfull I have also used universal branch in which the loss function is universal.

Thank you for the reply