ACINQ / phoenix

Phoenix is a self-custodial Bitcoin wallet using Lightning to send/receive payments.
Apache License 2.0
616 stars 93 forks source link

Liquidity #573

Open Virbac32 opened 2 weeks ago

Virbac32 commented 2 weeks ago

HI, I have been using Phoenix successfully for 6 months. But Yesterday I kept having to add liquidity x 3 times, at $10-12 a piece. This has never happened before. The first inbound transaction was around 200,000 sats. Which I had in my inbound liquidity. Then it dropped a lot. For the next 2 inbound transactions I made, I had to add liquidity on both occasions. This has never occurred in my previous use case for the last 6 months. I have attached the logs. Thanks Phoenix logs.log