ACINQ / phoenixd
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--auto-liquidity error #31

Closed tipogi closed 7 months ago

tipogi commented 7 months ago

I have been playing with the service (testnet) and I got an error when I want to make bigger the channel. It might be that I am using wrong or something missing but I am facing that error log: Address in use. This is my channel info:

    "nodeId": "xxxx",
    "channels": [
            "state": "Normal",
            "channelId": "xxxxx",
            "balanceSat": 30125,
            "inboundLiquiditySat": 1985760,
            "capacitySat": 2017474,
            "fundingTxId": "f21e83ef3deddc1678633af78cf06df4584ff4f4e7ca6a343f6efe4c00257fe0"
    "chain": "testnet",
    "version": "0.1.4-SNAPSHOT-75247e4"

and the error log

223d06015dd5:~/bin$ ./phoenixd --auto-liquidity=5m
2024-04-10 05:43:35 datadir: /phoenix/.phoenix
2024-04-10 05:43:35 chain: Testnet
2024-04-10 05:43:35 autoLiquidity: 5000000 sat
2024-04-10 05:43:35 nodeid: xxxxxxx
2024-04-10 05:43:36 connecting to lightning peer...
2024-04-10 05:43:37 connected to lightning peer
Exception in thread "DefaultDispatcher-worker-9" Address in use
    at java.base/ Method)
    at java.base/ Source)
    at java.base/ Source)
    at java.base/ Source)
    at io.ktor.server.cio.backend.HttpServerKt$httpServer$acceptJob$1.invokeSuspend(HttpServer.kt:48)
    at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
    at kotlinx.coroutines.internal.LimitedDispatcher$
    at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:584)
    at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:793)
    at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:697)
    at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$
    Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [LazyStandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@450345ec, Dispatchers.IO]
2024-04-10 05:43:37 http server stopped
2024-04-10 05:43:40 disconnected from lightning peer
2024-04-10 05:43:43 connecting to lightning peer...
2024-04-10 05:43:43 connected to lightning peer
2024-04-10 05:43:46 disconnected from lightning peer
2024-04-10 05:43:49 connecting to lightning peer...
2024-04-10 05:43:49 connected to lightning peer
2024-04-10 05:43:52 disconnected from lightning peer
pm47 commented 7 months ago

It's unrelated to the liquidity parameter. You have another instance of phoenixd running (or another app using the same http port) and need to kill it first.

tipogi commented 7 months ago

Ok that make sense! I was running that command inside of the docker container while the container was running that service...