ACM-IGDTUW / Open-Source-Challenge

Advaya'20 The Open Source Challenge
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Task 3: Some Markdown Styling #50

Open lisa761 opened 4 years ago

lisa761 commented 4 years ago

In the last Task, you made your first PR by creating a markdown file. This Task of The Open Source Challenge will revolve around learning some nitty-gritties of the Markdown language. What you will do is take your <name>.md file, and add some amount of Markdown styling to show us how much of it you have grasped. Once done, you create a pull request to submit your task. Make sure you have completed Task 2 before moving ahead.

The task is as follow:

  1. Update your Fork.

Now, your fork must be pretty behind, since yesterday itself, we had a lot of merged pull requests. This is because when you update your main repository, it does not automatically update the forked repositories. For that, you have to manually update it. To see just how behind your repository is, go to your forked repository page on GitHub. You will see a message like This branch is <some> commits behind ACM-IGDTUW:Master.
To update, follow these set of commands. Some of you must have done this in the previous task as well.

cd Open-Source-Challenge
git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
git push origin master

What these set of commands do is, fetch the upstream, which is the original Open-Source-Challenge repository. Then it overwrites the master branch of your origin, which is your local forked version, using the master branch of upstream. Once the changes have been made to your local master, you need to push them to GitHub and that's what the last command does.

  1. Delete your old branch and create a new one to work for this task.

For those who haven't had their previous PR merged, please skip the delete branch command, which is the git branch -D <your-previous-branch-name> command.

Inside the project directory, run:

git checkout master
git branch -D <your-previous-branch-name>
git checkout -b styling-md-<your-name>

This creates a new branch. For example, styling-md-john12 for us.

You can delete this branch from your fork on GitHub as well. To do this, go to your fork on GitHub and click on the branches button at the top. Then click on the delete button next to the branch you want to delete. Do not accidentally delete the master branch.

  1. Open the markdown file that you created in the previous task and add some styling.

To do so, you might want to add some extra information so that you can add styling to those. This information can be anything that you wish to add or are okay with everyone knowing about. For example, you could write some of your achievements.

You can refer to this Markdown Cheat-sheet for styling.

You may want to preview what your markdown code looks like after compilation, so you may start writing your code in this online markdown previewer, StackEdit and then when you are satisfied with the styling you can copy and paste your code into your markdown file.

  1. Once you are done with styling, submit a PR using the steps we mentioned in the last task.

Done! We will see your PR as a submission. This task will have an evaluation based on how well you have grasped Markdown. As one of the important factors of open source is to be able to find and do things on your own, this Task will be a great way to move in that direction.

Remember that any technical doubts will be answered only through the issues created in the repository. This is an important rule that you must follow.

mishra-aanchal commented 4 years ago

can you please help @lisa761 / @soumyaa1804 why am i getting this error!

priyanka2109 commented 4 years ago

Can I start participating from today?

lisa761 commented 4 years ago

@priyanka2109 Sure! Make sure you start from the first task and register in the form linked in the first task.

lisa761 commented 4 years ago

Hi @mishra-aanchal Please create a new issue. It has been mentioned multiple times.

lisa761 commented 4 years ago

Marking the end of 24 hours.