ACM-VIT / Algos-for-all-Amigos

This repository consists an implementation of the Algorithms encountered in Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics.
MIT License
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Perform Wiener's Attack on RSA Public Key (from scratch!) #23

Open Chasmiccoder opened 2 years ago

Chasmiccoder commented 2 years ago

Hey there! Welcome to Hacktoberfest 2021!

Thanks for taking interest in this project.

We need a web app that accepts the public key of RSA encryption as a string, and that performs Wiener's attack
on it, and gives us the primes P and Q that make up n. If it takes too long, the app must stop processing and display an
appropriate message that the public key is secure (from this attack).

The attack itself must be done from scratch without libraries like owiener

Here's what the attack looks like with the library -
Wiener's Attack on a Public Key

Wiener's Attack

We understand that this task is really hard, so partial submissions might also get accepted!

Recommeded Tech Stack - HTML, CSS, JS It doesn't have to be a web app, you can write a python script which implements the attack from scratch.

Feel free to contact us here (Telegram) if you need any help!

It's okay if you don't finish 100% of what is required, it's the attempt that matters! We'll accept PRs even if they complete a sub-component of this issue (depending on the code submitted and the effort taken) All the best :D