ACM-VIT / Algos-for-all-Amigos

This repository consists an implementation of the Algorithms encountered in Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics.
MIT License
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Web App to find Matrix Inverse with Adjoint Matrix, Gauss Jordan Elimination #9

Open Chasmiccoder opened 2 years ago

Chasmiccoder commented 2 years ago

Hey there! Welcome to Hacktoberfest 2021!

Thanks for taking interest in this project.

In this issue, we want to create a simple web app that first takes in the dimensions of a square matrix, and then the matrix as input and finds its determinant. If the determinant is zero, we want the website to display that the given matrix does not have an inverse. If the determinant is not zero, we want to calculate the inverse of that matrix using either its Adjoint Matrix or by Gauss Jordan Elimination method (depending on the user's choice).

If you need help in finding the determinant, check this code.

Tech Stack - HTML, CSS, JS

Feel free to contact us here (Telegram) if you need any help!

It's okay if you don't finish 100% of what is required, it's the attempt that matters! We'll accept PRs even if they complete a sub-component of this issue (depending on the code submitted and the effort taken) All the best :D

Mohit2703 commented 2 years ago

Sir, can I work on these??

CaptAlpha commented 2 years ago

Can I work on this issue?

Chasmiccoder commented 2 years ago

Hey @Mohit2703 ! Sure, I'll assign you to this issue

Chasmiccoder commented 2 years ago

Hi @CaptAlpha ! Thanks for taking interest. I have to assign the person who asks first, but there's a few more good issues coming up, so stay tuned!

Chasmiccoder commented 2 years ago

Hi @Mohit2703 Is there any update on this?