ACRA / acralyzer

Open source backend for ACRA reports.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not able to get the data from cloudant #129

Open Macchha opened 7 years ago

Macchha commented 7 years ago

From last week the acralyzer is not able to get the data from cloudant DB. It's saying 403 forbidden for to access admin config.

Here is the log:

Object {apps: Array[0], app: null, isPolling: true}app: "race"apps: Array[2]0: "race"1: "raceapp"length: 2proto: Array[0]isPolling: truesetApp: (t)startPolling: ()stopPolling: ()proto: Object app.js:20 Storage list retrieved. app.js:20 ["race", "raceapp"] vendors.js:24 GET 403 (Forbidden)(anonymous function) @ vendors.js:24p @ vendors.js:24s @ vendors.js:24s @ vendors.js:24s @ vendors.js:24(anonymous function) @ vendors.js:24$eval @ vendors.js:24$digest @ vendors.js:24$apply @ vendors.js:24i @ vendors.js:24m @ vendors.js:24y.onreadystatechange @ vendors.js:24 app.js:20 Setting default app for current user to: race app.js:20 Broadcasting LOGGED_IN app.js:20 Setting app to race app.js:20 broadcasting APP_CHANGED app.js:20 Start polling in AcralyzerControllers.setApp app.js:21 DB status retrieved, last_seq = 8210-g1AAAADneJzLYWBgYMlgTmGQTUlKzi9KdUhJMtUrzsnMS9dLzskvTUnMK9HLSy3JASpjSmRIsv39WEgMDBweRepIcgGRSPVQb-20iteWxAEmGBiAF1LkfrPUjSVoPQLRCHGuXBQBUHUqq app.js:21 Polling changes since = 8210-g1AAAADneJzLYWBgYMlgTmGQTUlKzi9KdUhJMtUrzsnMS9dLzskvTUnMK9HLSy3JASpjSmRIsv39WEgMDBweRepIcgGRSPVQb-20iteWxAEmGBiAF1LkfrPUjSVoPQLRCHGuXBQBUHUqq (worker 1) app.js:21 DB status retrieved, last_seq = 8210-g1AAAADneJzLYWBgYMlgTmGQTUlKzi9KdUhJMtUrzsnMS9dLzskvTUnMK9HLSy3JASpjSmRIsv39WEgMDBweRepIcgGRSPVQb-20iteWxAEmGBiAF1LkfrPUjSVoPQLRCHGuXBQBUHUqq app.js:21 Polling changes since = 8210-g1AAAADneJzLYWBgYMlgTmGQTUlKzi9KdUhJMtUrzsnMS9dLzskvTUnMK9HLSy3JASpjSmRIsv39WEgMDBweRepIcgGRSPVQb-20iteWxAEmGBiAF1LkfrPUjSVoPQLRCHGuXBQBUHUqq (worker 2) app.js:20 Refresh data for latest reports

Response from cloudnt support:

The _config endpoint is not open to external users it's used internally (by us). Is there a particular task you're attempting to perform? Perhaps I may be able to point you in the direction of an option you are able to access.

Please let me know how to resolve it.