ACRA / acralyzer

Open source backend for ACRA reports.
GNU General Public License v3.0
488 stars 90 forks source link

Replication of not working #133

Open simonpoole opened 7 years ago

simonpoole commented 7 years ago

Replication of isn't working very slow/timeouts.

potatoru commented 7 years ago

Same here

KevinGaudin commented 6 years ago

Sorry for this, should be better now.

KevinGaudin commented 6 years ago

Still pretty slow... reopening.

potatoru commented 6 years ago

@KevinGaudin I tried to increase connection_timeout in [replicator] section of defaults.ini file and it works fine. I set 30000 because site is really slow.

KevinGaudin commented 6 years ago

I tried to do my usual logs cleanup when something goes wrong, and after rebooting the response time goes weird after only a few seconds.

I'm seeing a lot of sync traffic on my access log... I'm now thinking about implementing an IP-based throttling. Though this requires time I don't have for a project I'm not really maintaining anymore.

Please be patient...

LvWind commented 6 years ago

It's really really slow here. Maybe we should manual install from sources😂

MurtadhaS commented 6 years ago

I am still having problem in this issue. Please resolve it.

xxxifan commented 6 years ago

Please resolve it +1

amineDev commented 6 years ago

I used the manual setup to solve the problem

mikehardy commented 6 years ago

I saw this as well but manual install was fine and it's working great for me post manual install

F43nd1r commented 6 years ago

I've set up a mirror for replication:

However, seems to be working right now.

mikehardy commented 5 years ago

@F43nd1r since we worked together recently on AnkiDroid's implementation of ACRA and touched on acralyzer briefly, I should note that I just found out AnkiDroid actually forked acralyzer a long time ago and implemented quite a few changes (unmerged pull requests from here etc) - I don't believe you can replicate from it, but you can do a manual install if you like since it is on github

F43nd1r commented 5 years ago

@mikehardy I'm not using acralyzer myself anymore, as I've developed my own solution Acrarium. However, these changes look pretty good at first glance (except this of course) , so if you want to contribute them to this repo, I can accept PRs.

mikehardy commented 5 years ago

@F43nd1r ah I see - I don't have a lot of time but if I made a pull request for the whole thing with the option for others to edit it, would that be useful?

F43nd1r commented 5 years ago

@mikehardy leave it for now. If someone picks up the project (#140), I'll direct him to your fork as a starting point.

nhoxbypass commented 5 years ago

Why did you switch to Acrarium? May be it's better in performance? Because currently Acralyzer is very slow when receive too many crash report.

And how can I migrate from Acralyzer to Acrarium?

F43nd1r commented 5 years ago

@nhoxbypass see Migration. Note that this is only supported on the master branch, and not included in the latest release.

I've switched to Acrarium, because I can fix issues in it without having to learn a whole new language/framework set.

In theory, Acrarium should be faster than Acralyzer, but I don't have any numbers to back that up.

Note: Please do not use this issue to discuss Acrarium, open an issue in its own repo if you have further questions.

mikehardy commented 5 years ago

@nhoxbypass - possibly worth mentioning that the entire reason AnkiDroid forked acralyzer (link above) was for performance. I just checked and it looks like we get about 500 reports a day via ACRA (it's a very popular app that tries to support every device...) and I don't think it has a lot of compute resources assigned. So if your load fits inside that you might look there. As @F43nd1r mentioned there are a couple patches in our fork that aren't generally applicable (changing the default app on install...) but nothing really custom-tailored I don't think.

Especially with the new rate-limiting code in ACRA on the client side, acralyzer should be able to handle most loads I'd guess. The main reason I'd want to move off acralyzer is that CouchApps aren't recommended anymore, but I'm unaware of free-hosting for Java stuff whereas IBM will do free hosting for CouchApps...

acr21 commented 3 years ago

Should we expect this link to work for replication in the future or is it dead forever?:

pzienowicz commented 2 years ago

Has onyone working links to replicate acralyzer db?