ACRA / acralyzer

Open source backend for ACRA reports.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How i can purge my acra-storage database by version app name? #68

Closed papachan closed 10 years ago

papachan commented 10 years ago

Hello again. I have a huge mount of report now and i need to delete all old records from old version app name and focus only with the current version app.

I had take a look at my installation of acra-storage db. and i see at /var/lib/couchdb a *.couch file of 3 gb. and at /var/lib/couchdb another one of 1.5 gb.

How can i proceed?

KevinGaudin commented 10 years ago

Can't you use the purge functions from the admin panel ?

papachan commented 10 years ago

I have tried this option but it seems i have a lot of reports in one day, so its doesnt refresh my data, the only solution i have find to refresh my dashboard is to delete all the data file under /var/lib/couchdb and reboot couchdb.

i am interested if i can purge all reports from old versions. but it dont show anything at the dropdown menu.

papachan commented 10 years ago

Thank you i resolved it. I found a related issue here. I have purged all the reports from older version and edited the MIN_APP_VERSION_CODE value at validate_doc_update.js in Acra-storage folder. Now i receive decents number of reports and the dashboard works fine.