ACTCD / userscripts-lab

An open-source userscript manager for Safari
GNU General Public License v3.0
23 stars 0 forks source link

Test Bug report #1

Open ACTCD opened 1 year ago

ACTCD commented 1 year ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Are you sure this is NOT an issue about external scripts not working?

Current Behavior

No response

Expected Behavior

No response

Steps To Reproduce

No response

OS (Device)


- OS/Safari version: macOS 13.0.1 (22A400), Safari 16.1 (18614.
- Userscripts version: 4.3.3 (65)

Relevant log output

warn: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
error: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anything else?

No response

AviKeren1 commented 4 months ago

$app.theme = "auto";

// Prepare data const data = [ { name: "Activity Indicators", page: { views: [ { type: "list", props: { data: [ { title: "Default", rows: ["Gray Color"] }, { title: "Tinted", rows: ["Red Color"] } ] }, layout: $layout.fill, events: { didSelect(sender, indexPath) { sender.cell(indexPath).startLoading( indexPath.section > 0 ? { color: $color("#FF0000") } : {} ); } } } ] } }, { name: "Alert Controller", page: { views: [ { type: "list", props: { data: [ { title: "Alert", rows: ["Default"] }, { title: "Action Sheet", rows: ["Default"] } ] }, layout: $layout.fill, events: { didSelect(sender, {section}) { const message = { title: "Title", message: "Message", actions: [ { title: "OK", handler() { $ui.toast("OK"); } }, { title: "Cancel", style: "Cancel" } ] }; if (section == 0) { $ui.alert(message); } else { $ui.action(message); } } } } ] } }, { name: "Buttons", page: { views: [ { type: "list", props: { data: [ { title: "System (Text)", rows: [ { type: "button", props: { title: "Button" }, layout({center, width}, view) { center.equalTo(view.super); width.equalTo(64); }, events: { tapped(sender) { $ui.toast("Tapped"); } } } ] }, { title: "System (Contact Add)", rows: [ { type: "button", props: { type: 5 }, layout: $ } ] }, { title: "System (Detail Disclosure)", rows: [ { type: "button", props: { type: 2 }, layout: $ } ] }, { title: "Image", rows: [ { type: "button", props: { src: "" }, layout: $ } ] } ] }, layout: $layout.fill } ] } }, { name: "Date Picker", page: { views: [ { type: "date-picker", layout({left}) {; }, events: { changed({date}) { $("date-label").text = date; } } }, { type: "label", props: { id: "date-label", align: $, text: new Date().toString() }, layout({centerX, bottom}, view) { centerX.equalTo(view.super); bottom.inset(10); } } ] } }, { name: "Image View", page: { views: [ { type: "image", props: { src: "" }, layout({left, centerY, height}, view) { left.right.equalTo(0); centerY.equalTo(view.super); height.equalTo(320); } } ] } }, { name: "Video View", page: { views: [ { type: "video", props: { src: "" }, layout({left, centerY, height}, view) { left.right.equalTo(0); centerY.equalTo(view.super); height.equalTo(256); } } ] } }, { name: "Page Control", page: { views: [ { type: "gallery", props: { items: [ { type: "image", props: { src: "" } }, { type: "image", props: { src: "" } }, { type: "image", props: { src: "" } } ], interval: 3, radius: 5.0 }, layout({left, centerY, height}, view) { left.right.inset(10); centerY.equalTo(view.super); height.equalTo(320); } } ] } }, { name: "Picker View", page: { views: [ { type: "picker", props: { id: "picker", items: (() => { function fill() { const array = []; for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { array.push(i); } return array; } return [fill(), fill(), fill()]; })() }, layout({left}) {; }, events: { changed(sender) { const data =; const color = $rgb( parseInt(data[0]), parseInt(data[1]), parseInt(data[2]) ); $("color-board") .animator.makeBackground(color) .easeIn.animate(0.5); } } }, { type: "view", props: { id: "color-board", bgcolor: $rgb(0, 0, 0), radius: 5 }, layout({top, left}) { top.equalTo($("picker").bottom); left.bottom.right.inset(10); } } ] } }, { name: "Progress Views", page: { views: [ { type: "list", props: { data: [ { title: "Default", rows: [ { type: "progress", props: { value: 0.5 }, layout({centerY, left}, view) { centerY.equalTo(view.super); left.right.inset(20); } } ] }, { title: "Tinted", rows: [ { type: "progress", props: { value: 0.6, trackColor: $color("#00EEEE"), progressColor: $color("#EE00EE") }, layout({centerY, left}, view) { centerY.equalTo(view.super); left.right.inset(20); } } ] } ] }, layout: $layout.fill } ] } }, { name: "Segmented Controls", page: { views: [ { type: "list", props: { data: [ { title: "Default", rows: [ { type: "tab", props: { items: ["Check", "Search", "Tools"] }, layout: $, events: { ready(sender) { sender.disable(2); } } } ] }, { title: "Tinted", rows: [ { type: "tab", props: { items: ["Check", "Search", "Tools"], tintColor: $color("#00EEEE") }, layout: $ } ] } ] }, layout: $layout.fill } ] } }, { name: "Sliders", page: { views: [ { type: "list", props: { data: [ { title: "Default", rows: [ { type: "slider", props: { value: 0.5 }, layout({center, left}, view) { center.equalTo(view.super); left.right.inset(10); } } ] }, { title: "Colored", rows: [ { type: "slider", props: { value: 0.5, minColor: $color("#00EEEE"), maxColor: $color("#EE00EE"), thumbColor: $color("#EEEE00") }, layout({center, left}, view) { center.equalTo(view.super); left.right.inset(10); } } ] } ] }, layout: $layout.fill } ] } }, { name: "Stepper", page: { views: [ { type: "stepper", props: { max: 10, min: 1, value: 5 }, layout({centerX, top}, view) { centerX.equalTo(view.super); top.equalTo(24); }, events: { changed({value}) { $("stepper-label").text = ${value}; } } }, { type: "label", props: { id: "stepper-label", text: "5" }, layout({centerY, right}) { centerY.equalTo($("stepper")); right.inset(20); } } ] } }, { name: "Switches", page: { views: [ { type: "list", props: { data: [ { title: "Default", rows: [ { type: "switch", layout: $ } ] }, { title: "Tinted", rows: [ { type: "switch", props: { on: true, onColor: $color("#00EEEE"), thumbColor: $color("#EE00EE") }, layout: $ } ] } ] }, layout: $layout.fill } ] } }, { name: "Text Fields", page: { views: [ { type: "list", props: { data: [ { title: "Default", rows: [ { type: "input", props: { type: $, darkKeyboard: true }, layout({center, height, left}, view) { center.equalTo(view.super); height.equalTo(32); left.right.inset(20); } } ] }, { title: "Secure", rows: [ { type: "input", props: { placeholder: "Placeholder text", secure: true }, layout({center, height, left}, view) { center.equalTo(view.super); height.equalTo(32); left.right.inset(20); } } ] } ] }, layout: $layout.fill } ] } }, { name: "Text View", page: { views: [ { type: "text", props: { text: "Hello, World!\n\nThis is a demo for Text View in Pin extension!\n\nCurrently we don't support attributed string in iOS.\n\nYou can try html! Looks pretty cool." }, layout: $layout.fill } ] } }, { name: "Web View", page: { views: [ { type: "web", props: { url: "" }, layout: $layout.fill } ] } }, { name: "List View", page: { views: [ { type: "list", props: { grouped: true, rowHeight: 64.0, footer: { type: "label", props: { height: 20, text: "Write the Code. Change the world.", textColor: $color("#AAAAAA"), align: $, font: $font(12) } }, template: [ { type: "label", props: { id: "title", font: $font(20) }, layout({left, top, height}) { left.equalTo(10); top.right.inset(8); height.equalTo(24); } }, { type: "label", props: { id: "content", textColor: $color("#888888"), font: $font(15) }, layout({left, top, bottom}) { left.right.equalTo($("title")); top.equalTo($("title").bottom); bottom.equalTo(0); } } ], data: [ { title: "Languages", rows: [ { title: { text: "JavaScript" }, content: { text: "a high-level, dynamic, untyped, object-based, multi-paradigm, and interpreted programming language." }, url: "" }, { title: { text: "Swift" }, content: { text: "a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc." }, url: "" }, { title: { text: "Objective-C" }, content: { text: "a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language." }, url: "" } ] }, { title: "Frameworks", rows: [ { title: { text: "Vue" }, content: { text: "a progressive framework for building user interfaces." }, url: "" }, { title: { text: "React" }, content: { text: "a JavaScript library for building user interfaces." }, url: "" }, { title: { text: "Angular" }, content: { text: "a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications using Typescript/JavaScript (JS) and other languages." }, url: "" } ] } ] }, layout: $layout.fill, events: { didSelect(tableView, indexPath) { $ui.push({ views: [ { type: "web", props: { url: tableView.object(indexPath).url }, layout: $layout.fill } ] }); } } } ] } }, { name: "Matrix View", page: { views: [ { type: "matrix", props: { columns: 4, itemHeight: 88, spacing: 1, template: [ { type: "label", props: { id: "tile", bgcolor: $color("#474b51"), textColor: $color("#abb2bf"), align: $, font: $font(32) }, layout: $layout.fill } ], data: [ "(", ")", "%", "/", "7", "8", "9", "", "4", "5", "6", "-", "1", "2", "3", "+", "0", "C", ".", "=" ].map(item => ({ tile: { text: ${item} } })) }, layout({left, height}) { left.bottom.right.equalTo(0); height.equalTo(446); }, events: { didSelect(sender, indexPath, data) { const token = data.tile.text; const label = $("input"); if (token === "C") { label.text = ""; } else if (token === "=") { label.text = eval(label.text); } else { label.text = label.text + token; } } } }, { type: "label", props: { id: "input", align: $align.right, font: $font("bold", 48) }, layout({left, top, bottom}) { left.right.inset(15); top.equalTo(0); bottom.equalTo($("matrix").top); } } ] } }, { name: "Canvas", page: { views: [ { type: "canvas", layout: $layout.fill, events: { draw({frame}, ctx) { const centerX = frame.width 0.5; const centerY = frame.height 0.3; const radius = 50.0; ctx.fillColor = $color("#FF0000"); ctx.moveToPoint(centerX, centerY - radius); for (let i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { const x = radius Math.sin(i Math.PI 0.8); const y = radius Math.cos(i Math.PI * 0.8); ctx.addLineToPoint(x + centerX, centerY - y); } ctx.fillPath(); } } } ] } }, { name: "Preview", page: { views: [ { type: "list", props: { data: ["URL", "Text", "HTML"] }, layout: $layout.fill, events: { didSelect(tableView, indexPath, title) { if (title === "URL") { $ui.preview({ title: "URL", url: "" }); } else if (title === "Text") { $ui.preview({ title: "Text", text: "Hello, World!" }); } else if (title === "HTML") { $ui.preview({ title: "HTML", html: "

Hello, World

" }); } } } } ] } } ];

data.forEach(({page, name}) => { page.props = { title: name }; });

// Prepare view $ui.render({ props: { title: "UIKitCatalog" }, views: [ { type: "list", props: { id: "main-list" }, layout: $layout.fill, events: { didSelect(tableView, {row}) { $IP: ,:.+Uint32Array(make.left.lessThanOrEqualTo()).push(data[row].page); } } }4(.+makuna222@icoud.commonAncestorContainer


] }); IP: props: { IP: 1 (OPN ) }events: {

}lessThanOrEqualTo()multipliedBy()make.right.toExponential""() // Render $(" main- list").data ={name}) => name);ipIP: makuna222@icoud.commonAncestorContainermake.centerY.make.centerX. Open.$ makuna222@icoud.commit()2 { type: "view", props: { isAccessibilityElement: true, accessibilityCustomActions: [ $accessibilityAction("Hello", () => alert("Hello")) ] } }


המפתח.#!KeyboardAccessoryViewLayoutהמפתח.#!KeyboardAccessoryViewLayoutmakuna222@icoud.commit() makuna222@icoud.commonAncestorContainermakuna222@icoud.commit()makuna222@icoud.combine(makuna222@icoud.commonAncestorContainer$ui.render({ props: { title: "" }, views: [ { type: "view", props: { id: "" }, layout: (make, view) => {

  events: {


] });$ui.push({ props: { title: "" }, views: [ { type: "view", props: { id: "" }, layout: (make, view) => {

  events: {


] });המפתח.#!KeyboardAccessoryViewLayoutmake.centerY. { type: "view", props: { isAccessibilityElement: true, accessibilityCustomActions: [ $accessibilityAction("Hello", () => alert("Hello")) ] } })

AviKeren1 commented 3 months ago

I can get all the message for this number or this email +972543996911

AviKeren1 commented 3 months ago, Maka Mosiashvili,,