Issue: Inconsistency in Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) between OSM data and LULC raster dataset
We're encountering a problem when trying to overlay OSM data onto the LULC raster dataset, as they are in different coordinate systems. OSM data is in geographic projection and the LULC is in cartesian.
Proposed Solutions
[x] Check if the CRS of datasets match: This will inform us that whether a reprojection step is necessary.
[x] Reproject OSM data to match LULC raster's CRS: This will ensure both datasets are in the same spatial reference frame, allowing for accurate overlay.
[x] Validate geometries: Check the integrity of the OSM data to ensure there are no geometric inconsistencies that could cause issues during the overlay process.
[x] Raise any invalid geometries as errors to the user to manually fix
[x] Burn vector data into raster: Once the data is reprojected and validated, we can proceed with burning the vector data into the raster dataset.
Issue: Inconsistency in Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) between OSM data and LULC raster dataset
We're encountering a problem when trying to overlay OSM data onto the LULC raster dataset, as they are in different coordinate systems. OSM data is in geographic projection and the LULC is in cartesian.
Proposed Solutions
[x] Check if the CRS of datasets match: This will inform us that whether a reprojection step is necessary.
[x] Reproject OSM data to match LULC raster's CRS: This will ensure both datasets are in the same spatial reference frame, allowing for accurate overlay.
[x] Validate geometries: Check the integrity of the OSM data to ensure there are no geometric inconsistencies that could cause issues during the overlay process.
[x] Burn vector data into raster: Once the data is reprojected and validated, we can proceed with burning the vector data into the raster dataset.