ADAPT / Standard

ADAPT Standard data model issue management
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Relevant Properties on the model UnitOfMeasure #54

Open knelson-farmbeltnorth opened 2 years ago

knelson-farmbeltnorth commented 2 years ago

UnitOfMeasure.IsReferenceForDimension, Scale and Offset would seem to be properties that would define a unit in a unit system, rather than as a reference to a unit managed in some external system, whether the ADAPT unit system or otherwise.

IsReferenceForDimension would identify whether this UOM is the base unit for a dimension. E.g., the value for 'meter' would be true since this is the base unit for distance. Any other distance unit would be false. Is there a use case where we need this data inside the ADAPT model vs. in the unit system? It seems external data to me.

Similarly, Scale and Offset: If a RepresentationValue applies a Scale or Offset to a value to achieve the reported UOM, that is different than storing a Scale or Offset on the unit itself. These properties appear to be used to model the mathematical relationship of a base unit to other units in the dimension. As such, these belong in the unit system model, rather than inside the ADAPT model.

knelson-farmbeltnorth commented 2 years ago

24 August committee agreement to remove the 3 properties.