ADI-Labs / density

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Adding an upload endpoint for CUIT to hit to upload data #216

Closed mattpiccolella closed 7 years ago

mattpiccolella commented 7 years ago

Finally wrote the endpoint to allow CUIT to upload data to Density.

Can write out the specifics of the endpoint once I get a bit of code review.

@alanhdu hoping you can review this

alanhdu commented 7 years ago

Also needs to pass Travis (I suspect it's just flake8 stuff).

mattpiccolella commented 7 years ago

Fixed the other stuff - used cursor.executemany, that fixed the issue. Plus cleaned up some of the error handling, and got the flake8 working.

@alanhdu can you handle merging/deploying this? I want to start working with CUIT to get Density functional again.

alanhdu commented 7 years ago

@mjp2220: So I'm running into when I try to deploy as-is -- I'm working on debugging the upstream issue. Should I wait for that (and possibly for you to update the PR), or should I just rip out and rewrite our deployment mechanism?

mattpiccolella commented 7 years ago

@alanhdu feel free to rip it out. Also, I didn't find any examples of the logging.

Hoping we can get this deployed today or tomorrow, if we can. Got several emails in my inbox about it, hoping to finally respond to them.

alanhdu commented 7 years ago

@mjp2220: Merged and deployed, although I added an extra commit on top of it (046c5836c8d827a01870ee9612bbd5669d82f750).

One question though: where did the PARENTS dict come from?