ADORSYS-GIS / e2e-banking-app

Banking app for people
Mozilla Public License 2.0
4 stars 21 forks source link

User story 12: As Choronko using a PowerPay User, I would like to check my balance #5

Open stephane-segning opened 6 months ago

stephane-segning commented 6 months ago


Sequence Diagram


participant cu as choronko user
participant choronko as choronko
cu->>choronko : check balance ()
choronko->>pps : send request
pps->>pps : check account
pps-->>choronko : Request for PIN(send procedure ID)
choronko-->>cu : Display enter PIN message
cu->>choronko : Send PIN 
choronko->>pps : send PIN(PIN, procedure ID)
pps->>pps : validate PIN
pps-->>choronko : balance details
choronko-->>cu : Display balance details



Tickets and Explanations

flowchart LR
    ChoronkoPhone --> APIGateway
    APIGateway --> |"New SMS (with content)"|TranslationService
    TranslationService --> |"Nomal Message"|PPService
    PPService --> |Response|TranslationService
    TranslationService --> |"Parse SMS"|APIGateway
    APIGateway --> |"final message"|ChoronkoPhone