ADSoftworks / HMS

Homework Management System (HMS) is a product designed to improve the organizational impact on students and teachers when managing, deploying, and orientating homework or goals.
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Profiles #7

Closed samaten closed 10 years ago

samaten commented 10 years ago

Way for users to set up their personal informaton: Class(like 10/11/12 for high school), full name, etc. Students should be labeled as their names for ease. Teachers should also be labeled as their names for ease. Colour coding names. Ex: Students black, teachers blue.

bobdesaunois commented 10 years ago

So students get their full names as labels like "Bob Desaunois" But what about teachers, aren't they always really shady and secretive 'bout their first names? Should we make them like "B. Desaunois" instead? or just "Desaunois" ?

bobdesaunois commented 10 years ago

First and lastname are now in the database and are registered upon registration. Now to replace all email displays with names..

Also the teacher part has none of this yet.

samaten commented 10 years ago

Can teachers have a dropdown to choose a Prefix? like Mr. , Mrs., and Ms.

example: Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith

samaten commented 10 years ago

But I suppose actually, since people might share lastnames just do it your way like J. Smith

bobdesaunois commented 10 years ago

On it.

bobdesaunois commented 10 years ago

Also the whole "Class of" thing seems like littering data, I don't see how it is relevant to the homework they make, they already know their full names and email addresses, they would be able to indentify.

We're going for simple, remember?

samaten commented 10 years ago

Like, in highschool in the U.S. you have class: 9, 10, 11, 12. 9th grade, 10th grade etc.

It's a good precaution in the future, because what if there's a Math teacher who teaches math for both grade 11 and 12, but a few select assignments are only reserved for grade 12. So he could have both people in his Math group on the HMS, but could label a specific assignment to be seen only by Grade 12.

Now, I'm not saying we should do that immediately -- but for the sake of organization and future proofing, it'd definitely be a good idea to make sure students can label their class/grade.

bobdesaunois commented 10 years ago

The idea of a groups is that you make multiple for different things, different school years go into different groups.

samaten commented 10 years ago

That's not a bad thing, and for many things it's a good idea. But it'd become stressful as a Teacher to have too many groups that are basically just the same thing.

Bob, your viewpoint is as a student, right?

Well, from my experience there are classes that allow people from multiple grades like 10, 11, 12, to all be part of the same class. Yet, at certain points there are projects that are limited to grade 12 or grade 10. So as a teacher, I wouldn't want to have four groups that are more or less for the same class, just due to the occasional case of having to be selective.

bobdesaunois commented 10 years ago

Allright, I get it, I'll let them fill in their grade at registration in that case.

bobdesaunois commented 10 years ago

Grades are now included in the student sign up but aren't really displayed anywhere in the admin panel nor are they editable, after that only teachers would have to see what grade they're in and then that part is done.

bobdesaunois commented 10 years ago

Grades are now completely implemented and thus the profiles part is done.