ADTPro / adtpro

Apple Disk Transfer ProDOS (ADTPro)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Haba Disk drive not recognized by ADTPro. #160

Open TheRealAnubiss opened 2 years ago

TheRealAnubiss commented 2 years ago

Hi - not sure how to contact you directly, but I have a question/problem.

I have an uncommon Apple II drive called a HabaDisk drive. It's a 3.5" single sided double density that says it can store 320K on the disk.

You put the 5.25" boot disk in and then it boots the software from the 3.5" HabaDisk drive.
This is a Shugart branded drive internally.

I could send you the image I've made of the 5.25" boot disk if that would help.

When ADTPro checks the drives, it hangs because it's not expecting this drive. I'm not a very good coder, but I'd be interested in getting this drive working with ADTPro so I can image the disks - they're not online that I can find, and I'd like to preserve them as much as possible.

What would be some good ideas to try and get ADTPro to recognize this drive? If this is not the appropriate place for this, please let me know and I'll contact you a different way. Thank you! 20220808_225327 (Custom) Habadisk_001 (Custom)

david-schmidt commented 2 years ago

Here is fine to reach me. So the thing is - ADTPro expects to be able to reach a disk drive by making ProDOS calls. If this disk doesn't work under ProDOS (i.e. if it doesn't have a ProDOS driver or use a ProDOS-compatible interface card) then it's simply not going to work.

TheRealAnubiss commented 2 years ago


I think that's what it uses. The boot disk says "ProDos" on it, at least, and the main program on the 3.5" looks like Appleworks with some modifications. It has folders on the disk, etc. Does that sound right? I made an image of the boot disk that I could send you if that would help. ADTPro accesses the drive, but it just keeps running as I'm assuming it's not getting back the answer it's looking for size wise. 320K isn't what either the typical 5.25" or 3.5" drive has.

Disks (Custom)

david-schmidt commented 2 years ago

Ok, so it looks like it's using ProDOS of some stripe. You can just drop the image of the boot disk here in a comment. What does the drive plug into? Does it plug into any SmartPort? Or does it have a dedicated controller card?

TheRealAnubiss commented 2 years ago


It plugs right into the back of the IIc's drive port. I think with the IIe it needs the newer drive port, not the card with pins and ribbon cables that run out the back.

In the first picture you can see the end of the cable.

I'll pop in the 5.25" boot disk image - basically, it boots up and says HABADISK, then looks for the software bundle disk in the 3.5" drive. If it doesn't see that then it gives a 'not found' error.

david-schmidt commented 2 years ago

Ok, thanks for posting that. They did hack a version of ProDOS and overwrote Apple's copyright messages. I verified that ADTPro is happy running under their hacked ProDOS with normal disks, but of course I don't have a Haba to test with. What we probably need to do next is fully boot with the 3.5" disk and see what Haba writes to the devices table. If you can boot all the way up and do the dumps (there were several) in the chain of this issue:

That should give me what I need to see what ProDOS thinks of this disk.

TheRealAnubiss commented 2 years ago

Ok, so I'll write out the prodosexerciser.dsk, and boot that disk with the habadisk 3.5" connected with the software bundle disk in it, follow the directions and screenshot the info, then download and write out the prodos2.4.2.dsk, boot that, get to the basic prompt and screenshot the results of: CALL -151 BF10.BF3F Does this sound correct?

Ok, I did this and with the exerciser.dsk using command C5 and the parameters listed, it found the drive, spins up and makes some grinding noises, and just spins with the drive light on, and locks up the program - I have to do a power off/on. I tried it without a disk in the 3.5" and I got this:

20220821_074937 (Custom)

and here is the result of the CALL -151, BF10.BF3F:

20220821_080322 (Custom)

As for the Modify buffer screenshot, my camera took a dump and made it all fuzzy, but it just showed a few cursor squares at the bottom - I'll attach the picture, but it's basically useless - I'll have to get the system back out if you need this screenshot:

20220821_074430 (Custom)

Also, internally, the drive is tagged as a Shugart model 300 - in case that helps. And I just found a service manual for this drive! And since the habadisk manual says they can store up to 320K per disk, then I'm guessing that they are at least the DD disks, not SD.

39259-0_Shugart_300_Flexible_Disk_Preliminary_Service_Manual_Nov1983_Page_12 (Custom) 39259-0_Shugart_300_Flexible_Disk_Preliminary_Service_Manual_Nov1983_Page_13 (Custom)

david-schmidt commented 2 years ago

The fact that it's choking on the $C5 call is not a good sign for the drive itself. ADTPro also makes this call at various times. What slot/drive does it appear as in ProDOS if you're using it normally?

TheRealAnubiss commented 2 years ago

That's the thing, actually - there's no using it normally (I'm not super familiar with ProDOS, but I can get up to speed if needed). The only way I've gotten it to work is to use the 5.25" boot disk with the program bundle disk in the 3.5" habadisk drive. The only thing that runs on the 3.5" drive that I can find is the program bundle and the templates disk (which are in the picture of the software). I can boot up that ProDOS disk I just made (2.4.2) - then what should I do?

I tried some of the disk copy programs on that disk and it's the same deal - whatever command it is to start a catalog of the disk, it isn't quite right. When the software and disks that came with it are running the access is immediate.

david-schmidt commented 2 years ago

HabaDisk The box says it will tell you how to copy AppleWorks to a 3-1/2" disk - that would go a long way to telling us how they expected us to interact with this drive in a ProDOS world. Do you have any of the documentation that talks about that?

TheRealAnubiss commented 2 years ago

I'll get on that - I only have the HabaMerge book, but it covers a lot of stuff.. Thanks! I haven't seen anything about the Haba Memory Manager in the menus and stuff. I'll look for that too.

Well, it looks like you put stuff on the 3.5" disk using the HabaDisk software bundle - you tell it to add appleworks, then put in the boot disk (5.25"), then the program disk (5.25") and it copies them over to the 3.5" program disk. I can't get this drive to format a disk, and I've tried several things, like formatting a disk with the IIc+, erasing a disk with a magnet, etc. It just gives a TOO SLOW! error and quits. If I could get this monster to format a 3.5" disk I could copy all the stuff from the Program Bundle over and maybe have another chance at getting it saved before it croaks. I've been able to at least copy all of the files off of the software bundle floppy - the templates disk has more than one 5.25" worth of files on it.

david-schmidt commented 2 years ago

So, that doesn't bode well if they have some proprietary thing that does copying actions. As best I can tell from the output of the $C5 ONLINE call, it might be slot 4 drive 1. So if you boot your system with their booters, can you get to the BASIC prompt? I'd be interested in what CAT,S4,D1 looks like.

...but this might be a tempest in a teapot, as it doesn't seem like this is a normally-supported ProDOS device - meaning ADTPro won't be able to manipulate it.

TheRealAnubiss commented 2 years ago

That's something I haven't tried. I believe I can get it to the basic prompt, but I'll have to see for sure. I'll let you know, and thanks for the help so far!

It's going to be a little bit before I can do this as I'm preparing for my son's school and there is a ton of stuff to do!

I will do it though!!