ADVRHumanoids / XBotControl

XBotControl framework: XBotCore + OpenSoT + CartesI/O
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Avoid absolute path in xbot2 params #51

Closed lia2790 closed 2 years ago

lia2790 commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I am trying to avoid absolute path in xbot control plugin passed as a parameter as mentioned here.

Basically, I want to change the code below

        thread: rt_main
        type: joint_impedance_controlH
            urdf_path: {value: /home/liana/catkin_ws/src/VariableImpedanceRegulation/robots/6dof/urdf/6dof.urdf, type: string}
            srdf_path: {value: /home/liana/catkin_ws/src/VariableImpedanceRegulation/robots/6dof/srdf/6dof.srdf, type: string}
            task_path: {value: /home/liana/catkin_ws/src/VariableImpedanceRegulation/robots/6dof/task/6dof_stack.yaml, type: string}

into the following

        thread: rt_main
        type: joint_impedance_controlH
            urdf_path: {value: $(rospack find vir_singlejoint)/robots/6dof/urdf/6dof.urdf, type: string}
            srdf_path: {value: $(rospack find vir_singlejoint)/robots/6dof/srdf/6dof.srdf, type: string}
            task_path: {value: $(rospack find vir_singlejoint)/robots/6dof/task/6dof_stack.yaml, type: string}

in such a way to have a more portable code.

I tried this but I obtain an error as below

liana@iitadvrlw003 ~/catkin_ws/src/VariableImpedanceRegulation/configs/xbot (cartesIO)$ ./ 
[warn][jm] running with disabled safety policies 
[ok  ][xbot2-core] started running 
Initializing CartesIO Interface...
uploading models urdf srdf...
[err ] in generate_jidmap: urdf does not exists! 
generating jidmap...
setting model type...
[ERROR] [1636368178.756491295]: Error document empty.

Screenshot from 2021-11-08 15-36-18

To replicate the error

  1. clone the repo here
  2. go to the cartesIO_debug branch
  3. go to the commit ISSUE_ABSOLUTE_PATH 30bdc4dc476adb6b4a32db7ac8d8fa9e0fc1dfa8
  4. run roslaunch vir_singlejoint vir_6dof_gazebo.launch in a terminal
  5. run ./ in other terminal
  6. then you should see the error reported. (source the terminals)
alaurenzi commented 2 years ago

These two should do the job. Notice that, in the second case, you will find the file content of the textfile under srdf_path/content

        thread: rt_main
        type: joint_impedance_control
            urdf_path: {value: $(rospack find vir_singlejoint)/robots/6dof/urdf/6dof.urdf, type: string, shell: true}
            srdf_path: {value: $(rospack find vir_singlejoint)/robots/6dof/srdf/6dof.srdf, type: file}
liesrock commented 2 years ago

@lia2790 did you tried @alaurenzi suggestion? Can we close this?

lia2790 commented 2 years ago

Hi, yes I tried again with the lastest version of xbot2 (xbot2-core version: 2.2.0 (734fd97)) and it is still not working

Screenshot from 2021-11-22 14-53-59

alaurenzi commented 2 years ago

Did you try to mimic the snippet I provided ?

lia2790 commented 2 years ago

sorry yes now i tried and I have the same issue, it does not take the path correctly... I am creating a proper branch in the repo VariableImpedanceRegulation in order to solve this problem as luca suggested

lia2790 commented 2 years ago

How to reproduce the issue

  1. go to the repo VIR (here)
  2. download it or clone it
  3. go to the branch xbot_absolute_path_failing_issue#51
  4. then run the vir with the following commands, each one in different terminals and before to lunch them run "source devel/" 4a. run roslaunch vir_singlejoint vir_centauro_gazebo.launch 4b. go inside the folder ~/catkin_ws/src/VariableImpedanceRegulation/configs/xbot and run ./ 4c. run rosservice call /xbotcore/joint_impedance_control/switch 1
alaurenzi commented 2 years ago

Does type: file work?

lia2790 commented 2 years ago

This I did not try, are both of them equal?

lia2790 commented 2 years ago

Anyway I tried but I obtained a strange error, I mean It returns some errors which seem that some params have not been read as supported to. I mean with the all path I did not get any error and the code works as expected

alaurenzi commented 2 years ago

Can you report the error here?

lia2790 commented 2 years ago

Yes, I obtain the following errors continuously

ERROR in setDamping : D has wrong size 7 != chain joint number 0
ERROR operator() : you are requesting a chain with name arm that does not exists!!
ERROR in setStiffness : K has wrong size 7 != chain joint number 0
ERROR operator() : you are requesting a chain with name arm that does not exists!!
ERROR in setDamping : D has wrong size 7 != chain joint number 0
ERROR operator() : you are requesting a chain with name arm that does not exists!!
ERROR in setStiffness : K has wrong size 7 != chain joint number 0
ERROR operator() : you are requesting a chain with name arm that does not exists!!
ERROR in setDamping : D has wrong size 7 != chain joint number 0
ERROR operator() : you are requesting a chain with name arm that does not exists!!
ERROR in setStiffness : K has wrong size 7 != chain joint number 0
ERROR operator() : you are requesting a chain with name arm that does not exists!!

I push it in the last commit 80249e5180ab29ca1988c6a9153068103840e8a3

alaurenzi commented 2 years ago

This does not seem directly related to parameter loading or shell expansion.. can you check that the parameter value you get from inside the plugin is indeed what you expect (i.e. the same as the output of echo <param-value> on the shell)?

lia2790 commented 2 years ago

My computer was blocked due to gazebo simulation then I switched it off, re-started... I did all the changes required (add the print to check the string and compile it) ... then the code works with type:file ... very strange but actually it works so we can close this issue

liesrock commented 2 years ago

Thanks @alaurenzi !