ADVRHumanoids / concert_description

ROS package containing modular's simulation scripts and launch files
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Create a common simulation environment in gazebo #24

Open JakobThumm opened 1 year ago

JakobThumm commented 1 year ago

I propose creating a gazebo world from the BIM model. It would benefit the project to have the entire drilling mission defined in one simulation environment. Parts that would need to be included:

EdoardoRomiti commented 1 year ago

I propose creating a gazebo world from the BIM model. It would benefit the project to have the entire drilling mission defined in one simulation environment.

Hi @JakobThumm , If we want to create a gazebo world of the BIC facility (the location of the integration week), I think @FraunhoferItalia can help us with that. They have created a draft BIM of the place with the 3d scan we provided, that they used last week for their missions.

Otherwise, there are other gazebo worlds available at that could also be used in the simulation environment (you can do it by passing the required world as an argument to the launch file e.g., world_name:='$(find concert_gazebo_worlds)/worlds/')

Parts that would need to be included:

  • geometries from BIM model
  • Pre-defined drilling positions
  • ArUco markers for localization of drilling position
  • Humans walking through the scene or doing some typical working motion (can be provided by TUM)

So I propose to add all these features either inside a new gazebo world from the draft BIM of the BIC facility or also inside the Fraunhofer Kranhalle if this makes things easier for @FraunhoferItalia (since the final task will not be performed at BIC anyway). I leave this choice to @FraunhoferItalia since they are the one taking care of the BIM-> gazebo transition usually.

FraunhoferItalia commented 1 year ago

Hy @JakobThumm, thanks @EdoardoRomiti to link the repo, i would propose to enhance the Kranhalle model with the features you listed here