ADVRHumanoids / iit-centauro-ros-pkg

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FT revolute joints in centauro.urdf #1

Open alaurenzi opened 4 years ago

alaurenzi commented 4 years ago

The centauro.urdf file (which should be the URDF to use for control) contains revolute joints j_ft_1, ..., with qmin = qmax = 0 which are probably used for FT simulation purposes.

EnricoMingo commented 4 years ago

Ok, on this I would suggest a first modification from the original urdf. As was done before you basically need a revolute joint with qmin = qmax = 0. This is not convenient... Instead when adding a force torque sensor is possible to specify a pose wrt an existing revolute joint, the following example is for COMAN+.

<gazebo reference="LAnkleRoll">
              <sensor type="force_torque" name="l_leg_ft">
               <pose>0 0 -0.035 0 0 0</pose> <!-- check! -->

Here LAnkleRoll is a proper joint of the urdf. I would suggest to follow this more standard way to implement it. What do you think?

alaurenzi commented 4 years ago

I agree. For now, I have put the ft joint fixed to be able to run the framework without errors.

EnricoMingo commented 4 years ago

We can keep the ft joint fixed and attach a frame which will be useful to associate ft measurements also in the real robot.