ADVRHumanoids / soap_bar_rrt

Multi contact planning project in collaboration with Paolo Ferrari, from La Sapienza
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2 cartesio issues: com undefined and deactivation/activation of tasks #7

Open GaloisPaolo opened 4 years ago

GaloisPaolo commented 4 years ago

Hi guys! We have the following two issues using cartesio within the planner.

1) When including in the stack a task (desired position) for the CoM, although everything works (i.e., the CoM goes at the desired position), I always get the error [error] Task 'com' undefined

2) Consider that:

Then, in practice, I need to specify to the IK solver which tasks in the stack it must consider and with which references. I was doing this by disabling all the tasks in the stack and then enabling only those that are supposed to be active using the following piece of code

for(int i = 0; i < active_tasks_all.size(); i++) ci->setActivationState(, ActivationState::Disabled); for(int i = 0; i < active_tasks.size(); i++){ ci->setActivationState(, ActivationState::Enabled); ci->setPoseReference(,; }

where active_tasks_all contains all the tasks, active_tasks contains those that I want to be "active" and ref_tasks contains the reference Eigen::Affine3d for each active task. Using this code I get the following error

[planning_server-2] process has died [pid 6652, exit code -11, cmd /home/paolo/catkin_ws/install/lib/multi_contact_planning/planning_server planner/goal/joint_states:=cartesian/solution __name:=planning_server __log:=/home/paolo/.ros/log/9e1fa558-0557-11eb-bc72-f48c50e5c194/planning_server-2.log]. log file: /home/paolo/.ros/log/9e1fa558-0557-11eb-bc72-f48c50e5c194/planning_server-2*.log

that I can't understand. Note that if I use 6D tasks also for hands it works without any problem.

Do you have any advice?