ADWrobo / custom-recipe-sharing-platform

The final group project for SEIS739
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As a first-time cooker, I want to be able to find recipes with reviews and ratings from other users, so that I can feel more confident about trying something new and gauge the success of the recipe before attempting it. #21

Open jannisrufina opened 3 months ago

jannisrufina commented 3 months ago

Associated with Feature 6: Community and Collaboration Input: The user expresses a desire to collaborate or communicate with other users. Activation: The user participates in community forums or comments on recipes. Action: The platform facilitates communication and collaboration among users. Output: Users can share tips, ask for advice, and collaborate on recipes. AND Feature 7: Personalization and Preferences Input: The user specifies dietary restrictions, allergies, and preferences. Activation: The user sets up their profile with these preferences. Action: The platform customizes recipe recommendations and search results based on these preferences. Output: The user receives personalized recipe suggestions and search results.

ADWrobo commented 3 months ago
User Action System Response
User accesses the recipe search page System displays the search page with options for parameters (ingredients, ethnic origin, etc.).
User inputs search criteria into the search bar and filters by rating System validates the input and prepares to search.
User clicks the 'Search' button "System queries the database with the provided criteria and parameters"
"System retrieves and displays a list of recipes matching the criteria. If kid friendly option is selected, only recipes with simple ingredients and non-complicated recipes are shown"
User selects a recipe from the list System displays the selected recipe with full details, including ingredients, preparation steps, and multimedia content if available
User clicks Add review button System prompts for rating and review
User rates the recipe and adds their review System uses the provided rating to calculate a new rating for the recipe
System verifies the review comment is not null, and adds it to the list of reviews for the recipe
Pariya88 commented 3 months ago

Noun Extraction

  1. Cooker
  2. Recipe sharing platform
  3. User story
  4. User
  5. Recipe search page
  6. Parameters
  7. Ingredients
  8. Ethnic origin
  9. Search criteria
  10. Search bar
  11. Rating
  12. Database
  13. List of recipes
  14. Kid-friendly option
  15. Simple ingredients
  16. Preparation steps
  17. Multimedia content
  18. Add review button
  19. Review
  20. Rating calculation
  21. Comment
  22. List of reviews

CRC Cards:

  1. Class: User
    • Responsibility: Access the platform, input search criteria, rate recipes, add reviews.
    • Collaboration: Interacts with the search page, recipe details page, and review submission components.

2.Class: Platform

  1. Class: Recipe

    • Responsibility: Store recipe details, handle rating and reviews.
    • Collaboration: Interacts with the platform for display and management.
  2. Class: SearchPage

    • Responsibility: Display search options and results, validate user input.
    • Collaboration: Interacts with the user class for input, and with the recipe class for fetching relevant recipes.
  3. Class: Database

    • Responsibility: Store recipe data, handle search queries, manage ratings and reviews.
    • Collaboration: Collaborates with the platform and recipe classes for data retrieval and storage.
  4. Class: Review

    • Responsibility: Store user reviews, calculate new ratings.
    • Collaboration: Interacts with the user and recipe classes for review submission and calculation.
  5. Class: Button

    • Responsibility: Trigger actions such as searching, adding reviews.
    • Collaboration: Interacts with the user class for user interaction.
  6. Class: Rating

    • Responsibility: Calculate ratings for recipes.
    • Collaboration: Interacts with the recipe and review classes for data handling.
  7. Class: Ingredient

    • Responsibility: Store ingredient details.
    • Collaboration: Interacts with the recipe class for ingredient display.