ADataDate / pxt-airQuality

Makecode Package for the CCS811 Air Quality Sensor
MIT License
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Library only works if I -first- upload an Arduino program, and -then- transfer my MakeCode program #3

Open kristianpedersen opened 5 years ago

kristianpedersen commented 5 years ago

At first when using your library, I only got one static reading showing unrealistically high eCO2 values. Often at around 65000.

I then discovered the sensor works great with Arduino IDE and Sparkfun's CCS811 library. The eCO2 values stay at around 400, and increase significantly when I breathe on the sensor.

Finally, I discovered that your library does work! If I first transfer an Arduino sketch and then transfer my code with your MakeCode library, I get expected readings. If I pull the USB plug and put it back in, the readings go back to being static again.

Here are the respective error and status codes MakeCode gives me: Successful readings: Error 0, status alternates between 144 and 152. Unsuccessful readings: Error 3, status 16

Here's an example of a log, where you can see where the USB was pulled out and put back in. As you can see, the bottom line has been repeated 741 times:

Error: 0, status: 144, ppm: 415
Error: 0, status: 152, ppm: 415
4Error: 0, status: 144, ppm: 415
Error: 0, status: 152, ppm: 410
3Error: 0, status: 144, ppm: 410
Error: 0, status: 152, ppm: 410
2Error: 0, status: 144, ppm: 410
741Error: 3, status: 16, ppm: 4349

My Arduino program:

#include <Wire.h>
#include "SparkFunCCS811.h"
CCS811 mySensor(0x5B);

void setup()
  CCS811Core::status returnCode = mySensor.begin();

void loop()
  if (mySensor.dataAvailable())

My MakeCode program:


basic.forever(function () {
    serial.writeLine(`Error: ${airQuality.readError()}, status: ${airQuality.readStatus()}, ppm: ${airQuality.readCo2()}`)

The sensor has been connected using 3.3V, GND, SDA and SCL.

kristianpedersen commented 5 years ago

Here's how I set up my micro:bit with the Arduino IDE for those who are interested:

compie67 commented 3 years ago

great and for my students step forward. Do you have some images of how you set this up with the wirers

The sensor we got is this

thanks @kristianpedersen

kristianpedersen commented 3 years ago

I don't have the sensor available anymore, but here's the wiring I used:

And here are the corresponding pins on the micro:bit