ADeliciousMan / A-Delicious-Marlin-Ender-3-Firmware

Custom Marlin firmware with lots of features for Ender 3s with various boards and probes
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3D Touch is not working #2

Open Dreamoffice opened 7 months ago

Dreamoffice commented 7 months ago

i just flashed the file to my ender 3 but when the z axis is going to touch the bed with the probe, it s not stopping. just crashing into the bed. how can i activate the probe?

br Dave

ADeliciousMan commented 6 months ago

Hey there @Dreamoffice , which exact probe are you using? How is it connected to the motherboard (also which board)? Did you remove the original Z Stop?

Generally a probe not working is either a wrong firmware flash, or not connected to the right pins that the firmware is expecting.

Let me know if that helps.