ADobrzycki / Maze-Puzzle-Game

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python project i want to complete this project can you help me #3

Open salimmakhdom opened 10 years ago

salimmakhdom commented 10 years ago

import maze import turtle import random

def turn_left(): mario.dir = maze.LEFT

def turn_right(): mario.dir = maze.RIGHT

def turn_up(): mario.dir = maze.UP

def turn_down(): mario.dir = maze.DOWN

def is_wall(cell): """Returns true if the given cell contains an outer on inner wall""" return (abs(cell.x) == maze.width + 1) or \ (abs(cell.y) == maze.height + 1) or \ cell in walls # inner wall

def debug(): maze.clear_cell(drawer, maze.Cell(6,6)) mario.move_to_cell(maze.Cell(0,0))

def update(): if (mario.dir != maze.STAND): old_heading = mario.heading() if (mario.dir == maze.LEFT): new_heading = 180 elif (mario.dir == maze.RIGHT): new_heading = 0 elif (mario.dir == maze.UP): new_heading = 90 else: new_heading = 270 if (old_heading != new_heading): # turn mario old_speed = mario.speed() mario.speed(0) # turn off animation mario.setheading(new_heading) mario.speed(old_speed)

determine new cell assuming mario can move

   new_cell = maze.Cell(mario.cell.x, mario.cell.y)  # copy current cell
   if (mario.dir == maze.LEFT): new_cell.x -= 1
   elif (mario.dir == maze.RIGHT): new_cell.x += 1
   elif (mario.dir == maze.UP): new_cell.y += 1
   else: new_cell.y -= 1
   if (not is_wall(new_cell)):
      mario.cell = new_cell
      if(mario.cell in items):
        mario.score += 10
        score_drawer.undo()  # clear latest text
        score_drawer.write("SCORE = {0}".format(mario.score), move=False, \
                           align="center", font=("Arial", 9, "normal"))
   else:  # mario can't move
      mario.dir = maze.STAND   # until the user presses antoher arrow key, just stand

   wn.title("Mario at ({0}, {1})  SCORE={2}".format(mario.cell.x, mario.cell.y, mario.score))

wn.ontimer(update, 200)

wn = turtle.Screen() wn.bgcolor(maze.bg_color) wn.title("Maze") wn.setup(710,710) wn.screensize(700,700)

wn.onkey(turn_left, "Left") wn.onkey(turn_right, "Right") wn.onkey(turn_up, "Up") wn.onkey(turn_down, "Down")

wn.onkey(debug, "d")

mario = maze.MazeTurtle()


mario.shapesize(0.7) mario.color("darkblue", "blue")

drawer = turtle.Turtle() score_drawer = turtle.Turtle()

for t in [drawer, score_drawer]: t.fillcolor("black") t.speed(0) t.hideturtle() t.penup() (x,y) = maze.Cell(0,maze.height+2).to_coord() score_drawer.goto(x,y-8) score_drawer.write("SCORE = {0}".format(mario.score), move=False, \ align="center", font=("Arial", 9, "normal"))

draw outer walls

short_side = maze.cell_size long_side_w = (2_maze.width+3)_maze.cell_size long_side_h = (2_maze.height+3)_maze.cell_size (x,y) = maze.Cell(-maze.width-1, maze.height+1).to_coord(True) maze.fill_rect(drawer,x,y,short_side, long_side_h) maze.fill_rect(drawer,x,y,long_side_w,short_side) (x,y) = maze.Cell(-maze.width-1, -maze.height-1).to_coord(True) maze.fill_rect(drawer,x,y,long_side_w,short_side) (x,y) = maze.Cell(maze.width+1, maze.height+1).to_coord(True) maze.fill_rect(drawer,x,y,short_side,long_side_h)

rng = random.Random()

items = [maze.Cell(-7, -5), maze.Cell(6,6), maze.Cell(-7, 5), maze.Cell(6, -8)] drawer.color("black", "darkgreen") drawer.shape("circle") drawer.shapesize(0.8) for cell in items: (x,y) = cell.to_coord() drawer.goto(x,y) drawer.stamp()


drawer.begin_fill() / 2) - 3)


draw inner walls

walls = [] wall_count = 20 while (wall_count > 0): i = rng.randint(-maze.width+1, maze.width-1) # inner walls not adjacent to outer walls j = rng.randint(-maze.height+1, maze.height-1) new_cell = maze.Cell(i,j) if ((i == 0 and j == 0) or new_cell in walls or new_cell in items): continue else: walls.append(new_cell) wall_count -= 1 print(walls)

drawer.fillcolor("black") for cell in walls: (x,y) = cell.to_coord(True)

maze.fill_rect(drawer, x, y, maze.cell_size, maze.cell_size)

# use the below code to draw squares a little bit smaller than the full cell
x += 1
y -= 1
maze.fill_rect(drawer, x, y, maze.cell_size-2, maze.cell_size-2)


wn.listen() # listen events on this window wn.mainloop() # keep the window open

The game hero will collect some items (i.e. apples) to complete a level while avoiding some other items (i.e. traps). The project base code is attached to this post. There are some little differences (i.e. walls and items lists hold Cell objects instead of tuples) and an example of how you can print some game information on the screen.