AE2-UEL / Applied-Energistics-2

AE2UEL, a Fork of a Minecraft Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world.
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Autocrafting randomly dies #287

Open C0D3-M4513R opened 1 year ago

C0D3-M4513R commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Applied Energistics 2 AutoCrafting just breaks sometimes. I don't know why, and I don't know where to start debugging this, when the setup is as simple as it gets and breaks for all players at once.

To Reproduce

This is a bug that only appears sometimes and we haven’t really found a reason why it happens.

  1. Start a server
  2. Have players play
  3. Wait for Me Autocrafting to break
  4. Autocrafting is broken for everyone simultaneously

Expected behavior

Me autocrafting breaks on the most simple setup. I expext Me Autocrafting to not break

Additional context

grafik The wood is either in the chest or in the me system itself in this example. The issue also happens with drawers.


0xC4DE commented 1 year ago

If you can, use spark profiler, and send your profile report here. The goal is to figure out what TPS your server is experiencing. In my experience AE2 autocrafting only really breaks when tick rates are low. Otherwise, we could use your logs

C0D3-M4513R commented 1 year ago

TPS of the server hangs around 15-6 TPS, where 6 is a larger amount of players. dj2 is just a heavy pack.

As for logs, what would they show you? I've myself enabled even debug logs and they have not shown anything of note. Also I'm hesitant to upload logs, since I am reporting this from PixelGaming, the featured modpack server for DivineJourney 2.

0xC4DE commented 1 year ago

Does autocrafting only die when multiple people are on? What I'm getting at is there should be a correlation between low TPS and autocrafting dying. I'm pretty sure autocrafts are based on TPS, because of the molecular assembler as a tile entity.

Is there anything you have extra that would interfere with player interactions? e.g. Towny, Factions, other land claiming plug-in/mods, even the FTB teams mod can break tile entity/chest interactions in some cases.

Dont worry too much about logs, I trust that they're not super useful. If my theory is right that it's just lag or something else, the logs would be hard to find

C0D3-M4513R commented 1 year ago

The Autocrafting does work in low TPS environments, and I have seen it break in high tps settings. In terms of land claiming we have the FTB chunks claiming mod. But in normal scenarios autocrafting works perfectly fine (low or high tps). But sometimes. Sometimes... Sometimes it breaks

As for playercount? We almost never have just one player online. Also iirc, I've seen the autocrafing break with item inside the me - not even using any external storage.

0xC4DE commented 1 year ago

I will try to look into how autocrafting is queued, there's a possibility that there's some weird bug with overlapping requests as in if everyone shares a queue or not. I find it weird that it's inconsistent.

1235789gzy1 commented 1 year ago

I have a method that can trigger stably

  1. Place "Wireless Crafting Terminal" in the jewelry bar
  2. Use shortcut keys to open and click on the top left corner to switch to fluid mode
  3. multiple clicks

At this step, there is a probability of incorrect GUI interfaces occurring Example: The current mode is' Wireless Crafting Terminal ' The upper left corner should display 'Switch to Wireless Fluid Terminal' (yes, it should display this) If 'Switch to Wireless Crafting Terminal' appears, congratulations, you have received an incorrect 'Wireless Crafting Terminal' In this error mode, as long as the player performs access operations, AE will not be able to initiate any synthesis The specific error form should be as shown in the picture image

1235789gzy1 commented 1 year ago

To help understand, I will use a video to demonstrate how the operation is carried out Sorry, the file recorded on the screen seems a bit large, so I'll use the Google Drive link instead

0xC4DE commented 1 year ago

I have a method that can trigger stably

  1. Place "Wireless Crafting Terminal" in the jewelry bar
  2. 3.Use shortcut keys to open and click on the top left corner to switch to fluid mode At this step, there is a probability of incorrect GUI interfaces occurring Example: The current mode is' Wireless Crafting Terminal ' The upper left corner should display 'Switch to Wireless Fluid Terminal' (yes, it should display this) If 'Switch to Wireless Crafting Terminal' appears, congratulations, you have received an incorrect 'Wireless Crafting Terminal' In this error mode, as long as the player performs access operations, AE will not be able to initiate any synthesis The specific error form should be as shown in the picture

Should this be true, sounds more like a problem with AE2WT. It also seems like OP was referencing an issue that happens regardless. This false terminal behavior might be weird. Someone else with more knowledge is going to have to pick this up.

masonbesmer commented 1 year ago

This is still an issue and i am experiencing it on a server under similar conditions, #288

adlwar137 commented 1 year ago

I'm having this issue aswell on a small multiplayer server on v0.55.19 ae2uel version and I get the same chat message. All autocrafting is broken for all players

Nbgreen commented 6 months ago

having similar issue according to my players the auto crafting gets stuck on vanilla items and then have to restart the auto crafting. seems to be happening randomly we are using the most up to date version of the mod.