thank you for this awesome plugin - exactly what I need to archive some YouTube videos into my media collection!
I have observed that the plugin does not seem to handle errors (i.e. exit code != 0) from youtube-dl / yt-dlp.
As far as I can tell, whatever the exit code of the tool, the plugin always happily reports "File saved".
For example, I tried to download a video but the Jellyfin user is not allowed to write into the media collection.
thank you for this awesome plugin - exactly what I need to archive some YouTube videos into my media collection!
I have observed that the plugin does not seem to handle errors (i.e. exit code != 0) from
. As far as I can tell, whatever the exit code of the tool, the plugin always happily reports "File saved". For example, I tried to download a video but the Jellyfin user is not allowed to write into the media collection.The plugin reported:
But my library was still empty - only the Jellyfin logs revealed the issue:
Maybe the error handling can be improved :-)