AECgeeks / ifc-pipeline

Processing queue and front-end for visualizing BIM models with IfcOpenShell, Docker Compose and Flask
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How to use BIMSurfer v3 instead of v2 #10

Open sebphi opened 3 years ago

sebphi commented 3 years ago

Could you please explain how to use in ifc-pipeline? There are no installation instructions for that repo and it seems the directory structure has changed quite a bit in comparison to v2. I do not know how to change application/Dockerfile accordingly. I guess it is somewhere around

COPY application/bimsurfer/bimsurfer /www/static/bimsurfer

WORKDIR /www/static
# RUN jsdoc -r -d docs bimsurfer
RUN r.js -o baseUrl=. name=App out=App.built.js optimize=none
RUN npx babel App.built.js -o App.built.es2015.js --presets=@babel/preset-env --compact false
RUN uglifyjs --compress -o App.$(cat /version).js -- App.built.es2015.js
RUN npx babel bimsurfer/lib/DRACOLoader.js -o bimsurfer/lib/DRACOLoader.es2015.js --presets=@babel/preset-env --compact false
RUN uglifyjs --compress -o bimsurfer/lib/three.gltf.orbit.draco.min.js -- bimsurfer/lib/three.js bimsurfer/lib/GLTFLoader.js bimsurfer/lib/DRACOLoader.es2015.js bimsurfer/lib/OrbitControls.js
RUN rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json

So far, i have added v3 as a submodule like this:

[submodule "application/bimsurfer3"]
     path = application/bimsurfer3
     url =


aothms commented 3 years ago

Currently v3 is not yet a drop-in replacement for v2. Since somewhat recently v3 also supports loading glTF. But it's still quite a bit of work to tie everything together. I hope to find the time and budget to work on this, and probably will, but there isn't a date or anything planned yet.

max482022 commented 2 years ago

When is v3 expected to be replaced instead of v2?

aothms commented 2 years ago

there isn't a date or anything planned yet.