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Pset Address #42

Open aothms opened 2 years ago

aothms commented 2 years ago

IfcPostalAddress was too buried in the schema to facilitate widespread use. This is not completed. Entity should be deprecated instead of deleted. Telecom address is not handled yet.

aothms commented 2 years ago
diff -N -w -U10 tmp/a/psd/Pset_Address.xml tmp/b/psd/Pset_Address.xml
--- tmp/a/psd/Pset_Address.xml  1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ tmp/b/psd/Pset_Address.xml  2022-03-22 21:18:54.203354300 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<PropertySetDef xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" templatetype="PSET_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
+  <IfcVersion version="IFC4X3_DEV"/>
+  <Name>Pset_Address</Name>
+  <Definition/>
+  <Applicability/>
+  <ApplicableClasses>
+    <ClassName>IfcActor</ClassName>
+    <ClassName>IfcBuilding</ClassName>
+    <ClassName>IfcSite</ClassName>
+  </ApplicableClasses>
+  <ApplicableTypeValue>IfcActor,IfcBuilding,IfcSite</ApplicableTypeValue>
+  <PropertyDefs>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>Purpose</Name>
+      <Definition>Purpose for which the borehole, section or volumetric model was created. (EU Inspire, boreholeML)</Definition>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyEnumeratedValue>
+          <EnumList name="IfcAddressTypeEnum">
+            <EnumItem>OFFICE</EnumItem>
+            <EnumItem>SITE</EnumItem>
+            <EnumItem>HOME</EnumItem>
+            <EnumItem>DISTRIBUTIONPOINT</EnumItem>
+            <EnumItem>USERDEFINED</EnumItem>
+          </EnumList>
+        </TypePropertyEnumeratedValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>Description</Name>
+      <Definition>The description of the air side system.</Definition>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcText"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>UserDefinedPurpose</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>InternalLocation</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>AddressLines</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyListValue>
+          <ListValue>
+            <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+          </ListValue>
+        </TypePropertyListValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>PostalBox</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>Town</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>Region</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>PostalCode</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>Country</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>TelephoneNumbers</Name>
+      <Definition>The list of telephone numbers at which telephone messages may be received.</Definition>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyListValue>
+          <ListValue>
+            <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+          </ListValue>
+        </TypePropertyListValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>FacsimileNumbers</Name>
+      <Definition>The list of fax numbers at which fax messages may be received.</Definition>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyListValue>
+          <ListValue>
+            <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+          </ListValue>
+        </TypePropertyListValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>PagerNumber</Name>
+      <Definition>The pager number at which paging messages may be received.</Definition>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>ElectronicMailAddresses</Name>
+      <Definition>The list of Email addresses at which Email messages may be received.</Definition>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyListValue>
+          <ListValue>
+            <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+          </ListValue>
+        </TypePropertyListValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>WWWHomePageURL</Name>
+      <Definition>The world wide web address at which the preliminary page of information for the person or organization can be located.NOTE  Information on the world wide web for a person or organization may be separated into a number of pages and across a number of host sites, all of which may be linked together. It is assumed that all such information may be referenced from a single page that is termed the home page for that person or organization.</Definition>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcURIReference"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>MessagingIDs</Name>
+      <Definition>IDs or addresses for any other means of telecommunication, for example instant messaging, voice-over-IP, or file transfer protocols. The communication protocol is indicated by the URI value with scheme designations such as irc:, sip:, or ftp:.</Definition>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyListValue>
+          <ListValue>
+            <DataType type="IfcURIReference"/>
+          </ListValue>
+        </TypePropertyListValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+  </PropertyDefs>
diff -N -w -U10 tmp/a/psd/Pset_Address.xml.orig tmp/b/psd/Pset_Address.xml.orig
--- tmp/a/psd/Pset_Address.xml.orig 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ tmp/b/psd/Pset_Address.xml.orig 2022-03-22 21:18:53.725958500 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<PropertySetDef xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" templatetype="PSET_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
+  <IfcVersion version="IFC4X3_DEV"/>
+  <Name>Pset_Address</Name>
+  <Definition/>
+  <Applicability/>
+  <ApplicableClasses>
+    <ClassName>IfcActor</ClassName>
+    <ClassName>IfcBuilding</ClassName>
+    <ClassName>IfcSite</ClassName>
+  </ApplicableClasses>
+  <ApplicableTypeValue>IfcActor,IfcBuilding,IfcSite</ApplicableTypeValue>
+  <PropertyDefs>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>Purpose</Name>
+      <Definition>Purpose for which the borehole, section or volumetric model was created. (EU Inspire, boreholeML)</Definition>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyEnumeratedValue>
+          <EnumList name="IfcAddressTypeEnum">
+            <EnumItem>OFFICE</EnumItem>
+            <EnumItem>SITE</EnumItem>
+            <EnumItem>HOME</EnumItem>
+            <EnumItem>DISTRIBUTIONPOINT</EnumItem>
+            <EnumItem>USERDEFINED</EnumItem>
+          </EnumList>
+        </TypePropertyEnumeratedValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>Description</Name>
+      <Definition>The description of the air side system.</Definition>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcText"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>UserDefinedPurpose</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>InternalLocation</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>AddressLines</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyListValue>
+          <ListValue>
+            <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+          </ListValue>
+        </TypePropertyListValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>PostalBox</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>Town</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>Region</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>PostalCode</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>Country</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>TelephoneNumbers</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyListValue>
+          <ListValue>
+            <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+          </ListValue>
+        </TypePropertyListValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>FacsimileNumbers</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyListValue>
+          <ListValue>
+            <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+          </ListValue>
+        </TypePropertyListValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>PagerNumber</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>ElectronicMailAddresses</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyListValue>
+          <ListValue>
+            <DataType type="IfcLabel"/>
+          </ListValue>
+        </TypePropertyListValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>WWWHomePageURL</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertySingleValue>
+          <DataType type="IfcURIReference"/>
+        </TypePropertySingleValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+    <PropertyDef>
+      <Name>MessagingIDs</Name>
+      <Definition/>
+      <PropertyType>
+        <TypePropertyListValue>
+          <ListValue>
+            <DataType type="IfcURIReference"/>
+          </ListValue>
+        </TypePropertyListValue>
+      </PropertyType>
+    </PropertyDef>
+  </PropertyDefs>
aothms commented 2 years ago
diff -N -w -U10 tmp/a/psd/Pset_Address.xml.rej tmp/b/psd/Pset_Address.xml.rej
--- tmp/a/psd/Pset_Address.xml.rej  1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ tmp/b/psd/Pset_Address.xml.rej  2022-03-22 21:18:54.250287800 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+--- psd/Pset_Address.xml   2022-03-20 14:13:03.076123400 +0100
++++ psd/Pset_Address.xml   2022-03-20 14:10:34.797776800 +0100
+@@ -76,5 +76,5 @@
+     <PropertyDef>
+       <Name>Town</Name>
+-      <Definition>===========The name of a town.</Definition>
++      <Definition>The name of a town.</Definition>
+       <PropertyType>
+         <TypePropertySingleValue>
+@@ -85,5 +85,5 @@
+     <PropertyDef>
+       <Name>Region</Name>
+-      <Definition>The name of a region.NOTE  The counties of the United Kingdom and the states of North America are examples of regions.</Definition>
++      <Definition>The name of a region.EXAMPLE  The counties of the United Kingdom and the states of North America are examples of regions.</Definition>
+       <PropertyType>
+         <TypePropertySingleValue>